Opinions/Advice Needed: Fish Oil & Daily Detox

I just added two new items to my daily routine/diet.

Nature Made - Fish Oil - Omega-3, 2 Softgels 1200mg
Green Envy - Daily Detox, 1 fl. oz

This is in addition to the multivitamin that I already take.

The sense that I got from those I talked to is that fish oil and the daily detox are both good/good for you.

Curious what others think ..

Thank you.


  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Fish oil is good, but you have to make sure you are getting the proper amounts. To have health benefits (like lowering cholesterol) you want to make sure that the EPA and DHA content of the supplement is around 1200mg. That usually means that you need to take about 2000mg of fish oil to get that - but it varies from pill to pill, so make sure you read the label DILLIGENTLY (serving size, etc).
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    I don't know much about the green envy. It won't hurt you by any means, just because it is loaded with nutrients... but I do know that fish oil is VERY good for you. I take it every single day and have for years! Sounds like you're definitely doing the right things for your body nutrition wise tho!
  • ncqueenbee
    ncqueenbee Posts: 147 Member
    I used to take fish oil years ago, but stopped because i got lazy about taking my vitamins. Now that I'm older, I find myself diving into information and finding ways to improve my overall health. Anyway, about a year ago, I started taking fish oil again, because I know the health benefits it provides. Not to mention all the complements I get on the apperance of my skin.

    I have never heard of Green Envy detox, but I do add a Green Foods supplement to my daily smoothie in order to get my daily allowance of greens that is sometimes lacking in my diet. I notice I have much more energy when I use it, so it must be doing something, plus, it's all natrual.
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    I found Daily Detox at Costco. Had not heard of it either until today.

    I actually went there to buy fish oil and pomegranate juice. The pomegranate juice was sitting right next to daily detox (from the same company).

    I rationalized that the benefits of fish oil (as I understand it) are similar to those of pomegranate juice so rather than get two items for the same thing I got the daily detox instead. The claims on the packaging were pretty convincing.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    The claims on the packaging were pretty convincing.

    Never trust the packaging. :)

    I'll do my best to avoid soapboxing this, but really that's a huge problem with health in the US. We believe advertisers instead of real data. Take the stupid best life stamp on things. Flip those food stuffs over and they have modified food starch and god knows what other fake things in it. Instead of buying it, go home and see if the info the package says is legit. Then buy it the next time if you find out it's true. Generally it isn't. (Krill oil is another example of it saying one thing and data not really reflecting the claims)

    PS - Pomegranates are full of antioxidants, fish oil is full of fatty acids. So they don't do the same thing. But its suggested to have an antioxidant in the fish oil to prevent it from going rancid. Oh the fun of biochemistry!
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    Good point. I should know better. I'm in advertising. :)