Introduction Under 25, and losing 100lbs

LR182 Posts: 12 Member
I'm looking to shed 100lbs and then a further 14 afterwards if possible, and I started using this site a while back now using it to look for motivation and people who i can talk to about things dieting tips and tricks they use and swapping information with one another.


  • Hey! Id love to help you in any way I can with your weight loss. I have a facebook page where i post inspirational pictures and things like that. Maybe you would be interested? I think thats great that you have spelled out the goals that you have for yourself, I know you can do this and you sound very motivated!! What current regimes are you following through with right now?
  • Hey! I'm 21 and started back in April. Hit my 100lb goal a few days ago! If you want any help or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!