Pregnant and trying get fit!

Hi guys I just found out I was pregnant, and I am freaking out because I was on a mission to get healthy, loose weight and get fit! Right now I am 5'7, 185 pounds, and have a hourglass shape, my goal is to get to 160 pounds, meaning a 25 pound weight loss. Is it possible to still loose weight while being pregnant, by changing my eating habits and working out once a day, via walking and light weight lifting..or am I being too optimistic!!???? or am I putting my child at risk?


  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    You need to discuss your specific case with your doctor, but my understanding is the guideline states that overweight women can limit their weight gain to 10-15lbs rather than the 25-35lbs for normal weight women. I don't think actively trying to lose weight is recommended, but you can ask your doctor.
  • grentea
    grentea Posts: 96 Member
    No, don't try to lose weight while pregnant. You need to make sure you are getting all of the nutrients that you need and you don't want to put your baby at risk. Speak with your doctor about what a healthy weight gain would be for you.
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    You need to discuss your specific case with your doctor, but my understanding is the guideline states that overweight women can limit their weight gain to 10-15lbs rather than the 25-35lbs for normal weight women. I don't think actively trying to lose weight is recommended, but you can ask your doctor.
    ^^ this!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Since I assume you have chosen to carry to term and become a mother, it would be best to discuss this with your doctor. Good luck!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hi guys I just found out I was pregnant, and I am freaking out because I was on a mission to get healthy, loose weight and get fit! Right now I am 5'7, 185 pounds, and have a hourglass shape, my goal is to get to 160 pounds, meaning a 25 pound weight loss. Is it possible to still loose weight while being pregnant, by changing my eating habits and working out once a day, via walking and light weight lifting..or am I being too optimistic!!???? or am I putting my child at risk?

    You need to pay a visit to your doctor about the type of exercise you do and whether or not you can lose weight. (hint: run from a doctor who tells you it's okay to lose weight while pregnant).

    That said, you can eat healthy at any stage in your life.
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    There was an interesting article on here a few days ago about this. Losing weight while pregnant isn't super healthy and can lead to health complications for the child. Of course ask
    Your doctor, but you aren't morbidly obese so I doubt you'll get a green light on weight loss. Congrats on your pregnancy!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS! Get ready for an interesting roller coaster ride. Talk to your doctor about your goals, but don't let it drive you crazy if you have to put them on hold for awhile. Between days you feel like puking up everything and days you want to eat everything it's so hard to predict what will happen. Lots of prayers for a healthy baby.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    If you're going to keep this baby, then your body is not your own for the next few months, and as long as you breastfeed, it belongs to the child. After you're done breastfeeding, you can do what you want. That said, you can achieve any weight loss and fitness goals that are not inimical to the child's health. But we can't define those parameters for you, your obstetrician is the one to consult about that. Do what your doctor says, even if it means you can't do what you want with your body. When you've got a passenger, you've got to drive that car a lot more carefully.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Youre only a little bit overweight, so I wouldn't think any doctor would say it's ok to lose weight while pregnant. You can just try to minimise weight gain, although it's very unpredictable sometimes.

    I'm nearly 20 weeks pregnant with my third baby, and I don't know how much I've put on so far, but my guess would be about 15lbs. Don't forget that your uterus grows, you have lots of extra blood flow, and obviously your baby weighs something, although not a lot at this stage. As I was within a healthy BMI when I got pregnant, a healthy weight gain for me is 25-35lbs.

    I'm the kind of person who gains weight very easily, so I wouldn't be surprised if I put on more than recommended. I put on a bit with my first, and a lot with my second.

    I've been exercising throughout, 4 or 5 times a week. I still do strength training, aerobics, spinning etc.

    Also bear in mind that you might feel nauseous. My sickness lasted from 6-14 weeks. I felt awful the entire time, but never actually threw up. I didn't even want to step foot in the kitchen for those weeks, and eating was sometimes the only way to stop the nausea, so I'm sure the majority of weight I gained was in those weeks as I ate too many carbs. I had a craving for pasta for example, which I don't usually eat. And I ate lots of toast.

    You might be lucky and feel great. With my first (a boy) I felt amazing, and had maybe 2 weeks of feeling a little bit crappy.

    Anyway, congrats, and just focus on remaining healthy, and minimising weight gain.
  • Congrats! This is something you ahould discuss with your dr definitely. I would think of you cut out unhealthy foods and try your best to eat healthy, you will probably at least not gain much weight, but really talk to your dr
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member this your first child? Sounds it...

    A woman's body in the first 2 trimesters of pregnancy expend the equivalent of climbing a everest..

    ETA: the last thing that will be on your mind is diet and exercise....more like Sleep and extra nutrition. Not to mention cravings.

    I wouldn't worry about it really. Continue with exercise and eating well balanaced don't need to gain a tonne of weight..I didn't...maybe 20lb(until I was put on a special diet by military doctors who thought my weight loss was "awful" but didn't take into consideration I was loosing muscle cause I wasn't even allowed to swim, let alone the 5k runs, lifting etc that I was doing prior):grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Hi guys I just found out I was pregnant, and I am freaking out because I was on a mission to get healthy, loose weight and get fit! Right now I am 5'7, 185 pounds, and have a hourglass shape, my goal is to get to 160 pounds, meaning a 25 pound weight loss. Is it possible to still loose weight while being pregnant, by changing my eating habits and working out once a day, via walking and light weight lifting..or am I being too optimistic!!???? or am I putting my child at risk?
    I'm 5'3". I was TINY the day I gave birth to my daughter and I weighed 155.

    160 pounds and pregnant at 5'7" is probably not a realistic goal. Exercise (based on doctor's orders) and eat healthy and reasonably.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member

    You may want to check out this group: