Losing motivation and still have a long way to go

Hey all.

I'm losing motivation again to continue doing this. This is my pattern: I start off in full steam, lose some weight, lose motivation, regain the weight + more and never reach my goals. I've been doing this for 20 years and I am sick and tired of it. I really just want to wake up and be a different person.

I love to eat well but I also love to eat cookies. On days when I eat well (whole foods, veggies, fruits, etc) I still end up above my caloric restriction. I've tried (under the wonderful guidance of some of you) to increase my limit so I would set myself up for success and not failure. However, I would realistically have to be on a 2500 calories a day diet in order to never screw up because that's how much I consume. For weight loss I need to eat no more than 1200.

For motivation, I planned a trip to the Caribbean next year. I also planned on signing up for a 5K and got 3 weeks into C25K. I love it but I've stopped going to the gym and I've been eating entire containers of cookies. Part of me is so incredibly stressed and overwhelmed all of the time and I feel like my eating and weight just add to the stress. It's yet another thing I absolutely can't stand about my life along with 94798554 other ones. I feel like if I just eat what I want I can ignore it. (Yeah, I see the faulty logic in that one)

Advice/support/suggestions/friends all welcome.


  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I'm going to friend you. I weigh my food, track everything, log in every day, and my diary is open for friends. You can do this!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    "However, I would realistically have to be on a 2500 calories a day diet in order to never screw up because that's how much I consume. For weight loss I need to eat no more than 1200."

    It just doesn't work that way. If you consume 2500 a day, all you need to lose weight (at varying rates, naturally) is less than 2500.

    Going from 2500 to 1200 is bound to be too different to keep up for long. You are completely normal :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hey all.

    I'm losing motivation again to continue doing this. This is my pattern: I start off in full steam, lose some weight, lose motivation, regain the weight + more and never reach my goals. I've been doing this for 20 years and I am sick and tired of it. I really just want to wake up and be a different person.

    I love to eat well but I also love to eat cookies. On days when I eat well (whole foods, veggies, fruits, etc) I still end up above my caloric restriction. I've tried (under the wonderful guidance of some of you) to increase my limit so I would set myself up for success and not failure. However, I would realistically have to be on a 2500 calories a day diet in order to never screw up because that's how much I consume. For weight loss I need to eat no more than 1200.

    For motivation, I planned a trip to the Caribbean next year. I also planned on signing up for a 5K and got 3 weeks into C25K. I love it but I've stopped going to the gym and I've been eating entire containers of cookies. Part of me is so incredibly stressed and overwhelmed all of the time and I feel like my eating and weight just add to the stress. It's yet another thing I absolutely can't stand about my life along with 94798554 other ones. I feel like if I just eat what I want I can ignore it. (Yeah, I see the faulty logic in that one)

    Advice/support/suggestions/friends all welcome.


    I've lost 31 pounds and I am 2 pounds from my goal and I eat 2,000 calories a day. I do exercise each day (and if I don't exercise on a day I work to stay in my calorie allowance of 1,630 calories).

    1,200 calories is usually the default for a person who says they are sedentary and do no exercise. Since your calorie deficit is already built in when you get your calorie allowance, you need to eat back at least a portion of your exercise calories to stay properly fueled.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    For weight loss I need to eat no more than 1200.

    Eat 2,000.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I'm not really sure what to say other than if you feel you need 2,500 calories then you need to exercise/be active enough to support eating that much food. On the flip side, 1200 is not enough for most people either. Why not try something in between like 1800?

    And...I am going to share the link to my personal success story. I really hate doing this because I feel like I am pimping it out, BUT I've been told it is inspiring, so I will share it:

  • sophisli
    sophisli Posts: 41 Member
    Seems like there is a consensus that I need to increase my caloric intake. I am willing to give this a try and continue my workouts (which I :heart: ). *sigh* I don't want to throw in the towel and balloon back up 40 pounds so at this point I am open to anything.

    Thanks all.
  • mdbrookeyak
    mdbrookeyak Posts: 21 Member
    I can totally relate, I have felt this way various times when I have tried to lose weight. Look how far you have come so far!! 72 lbs is awesome! I always think about how much further I could be if I dont set myself back. It usually helps. I dont really have any advice or anything as I am only abour a quarter into my journey but please, do yourself a favor and dont give up!
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    You can do it! I'd say increase your calorie allowance to something more manageable. It's what I've done. I have a moderate cut and I'm losing weight at a slow rate. But slow progress is still progress (I have a sign above my bed saying that to remind me haha!).

    It also sounds like cookies are a trigger food for you. Maybe you should try to keep them out of the house until you feel you're able to practice portion control with them? For me, chips are a trigger food. I don't buy them anymore. On the positive side, I no longer crave them either :)
  • Do not give up, you can do this, we all can. I am on 1200 calories and it is working for me. you may need to be a little higher and decrease slowly. do what works for you. What helps me is. I have a snack drawer in my fridge and i portion everything out before putting in Drawer. like 10 crackers in a bag is 50 calories that with a baby bell is a 100 calorie snack.. Find things you like. measure them out in single serving sizes and then when you need something fast or have a little binge. you are doing less damage and do not feel deprived.. If you like cookies measure them out and have them a couple times a week and make them fit in your calorie count for that day. If i do not get all my calories in, i keep track of them and use them on the weekend to treat myself to something. do not go without having something you really like, just have it less often and in smaller amounts.. :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Seems like there is a consensus that I need to increase my caloric intake. I am willing to give this a try and continue my workouts (which I :heart: ). *sigh* I don't want to throw in the towel and balloon back up 40 pounds so at this point I am open to anything.

    Thanks all.

    No. If you're gaining weight or maintaining, you first look at your logging habits to find where you are in error. It could most likely you are underestimating food intake and overestimating calorie burns.

    You need to figure out what your goals are in MFP. Set a goal to lose 1 pound per week to see how it goes. Eat a portion of your exercise calories back.

    There is no "eat more food to lose weight" because the only way to lose weight is to eat at a calorie deficit, but by the same token eating 1,200 calories a day might not be healthy, especially if you exercise.

    As for motivation, you just need to make a decision that you want better health and learn how to change your eating habits. You need to log food and exercise, strive for accuracy, and eat within your calorie limit. Think moderation not deprivation. Think of this all as a lifestyle change.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    So you have to find your 'ideal' calorie number where you eat enough so wouldn't feel too deprived and you still maintain a deficit to lose weight.

    You could maybe see whether you could eat what would be your maintenance calories of your goal weight. You'd lose weight very slowly, but you probably wouldn't feel too deprived.

    You could also sneakily cut calories by having half a cookie instead of a whole one, play around with the proportions of your meals, switch to lower calorie stuff.

    Good luck :-)
  • Jit7
    Jit7 Posts: 75

    I'm not going to comment on how many calories you should eat as there are so many opinions

    But I can only offer advice that is helping me out (I am now finally seeing some results)

    Firstly, write down your goals and have them accesible for you to look at whenever you need. Then break down your goals into mini-goals and aim to achieve those. This doesn't have to be scale related. You could even start with a mini goal of 2 days without any cookies.

    I would highly recommend clearing out your cupboard of all the junk food and stocking up with healthier snacks. I found this hard as I really crave sugar but I'm getting there on this one. My failue is still a few too many sesame snaps!

    Try planning your week both meals and exercise. That way you know what you are doing/eating and when.

    If you can't get a proper workout done then at least go for a walk. Pace yourself too, dont just go all out at the start. Try a simple routine that is sustainable and that you can stick to. 30 minutes a day maybe. If you are a competitive person get yourself a heart rate monitor and give yourself a goal of calories burned in each session and see if you increase that each time.

    If you crave something have a small amount (weigh it and record it) rather than a binge. I did that this week. I was really craving choc ice cream so a had a few small spoonfuls and put it away in the freezer. Then started cleaning to get my mind of it.

    When you are feeling bad just re-visit your goals and see if that helps. I also find reading a few posts from the success stories forum also helps me out

    I hope something works for you and you can quit yo-yo ing

    Good luck
  • chanceme78
    chanceme78 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi!! :)

    I can totally relate! Although I just started on this journey and have A LOT to learn about the food part of it I may be able to relate on a different level. I am the "all in or all out" girl. Gung ho in the beginning (all in) then with a lazy day or a craving that I gave into I feel like "what's the point, I've already screwed up" so I go completely in the opposite direction (all out). It can be frustrating not to see results right away. I feel like we need to give ourselves more grace and forgiveness. We feel the stress of the deadlines we put on ourselves then when we fall short we just give up. I think a huge part of the success or failure of our weight loss starts with our mindsets. Where the mind goes the man follows. We are in control of our bodies, not the other way around. We tell them what they will and will not have. Yes, it's can be extremely hard (essentially we're breaking old habits and addictions) . But I believe we have two choices 1) we keep doing the same thing over and over again and stay in a state of suffering and unhappiness OR 2) we let our bodies feel the suffering and have their screamin fits and eventually be FREE from it. I found this quote that I thought of while reading your post. "Some quit due to slow progress, never grasping the fact that slow progress... is progress."

    What would you tell a friend if she were in your position? Perhaps all of our self talk should be that of the advice we'd give to the people we love (with more grace and forgiveness).

    You WILL make it if you do not give up! :)