Diet pills

My doctor said that if I was really interested he would consider prescribing a diet pill, I think he said fentermine. Has anyone had any experience with this before, if not this medication any others. I have always been against diet pills because my mother lived on them when I was growing up and I never saw a difference. I am not so sure about taking any type of supplement though...


  • mawiggins
    mawiggins Posts: 20
    My doctor said that if I was really interested he would consider prescribing a diet pill, I think he said fentermine. Has anyone had any experience with this before, if not this medication any others. I have always been against diet pills because my mother lived on them when I was growing up and I never saw a difference. I am not so sure about taking any type of supplement though...
  • Xtracrispy69
    absolutely job is addictions work so those guys I hold quite close....lots of issues with them. Many are synthetic amphetamines, simply speed up your metabolism and body. Huge issues with working out and heart rate. If they are from the hoodia family, your simply starving yourself. Scary how a doctor would recommend that, either he gets perks or he wants to cause you damage..
  • mawiggins
    mawiggins Posts: 20
    I had actually inquired about it to my Doctor and he said if I was still serious when I see him again (this week) he would prescribe me something.
  • Mary24
    Mary24 Posts: 398
    We can do without them! :flowerforyou:
  • commonsensefitness
    commonsensefitness Posts: 105 Member
  • commonsensefitness
    commonsensefitness Posts: 105 Member
    I would strongly suggest against taking any DIET pills. Losing weight is simply about CALORIE DEFECIT, meaning your body burns some calories and you take fewer calories [but atleast some to help your body function normally]. What would really help is joining gym where you can have that atmosphere where ppl are burning calorie mood. There are too many good things to do, I do know that their is no magic to reduce weight. Diet pills may reduce your weights but when you wont put any unknown gas in your car how on earth would you be putting things in your body which may have dangerous side effects either now or later.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Pills are a short term thing. Jitters, cotton mouth and whatever else they give you. It is better and safer to change your lifestyle by eating healthy and exercising. It may take a while, but at least you are doing it HEALTHY. You are not putting unnecessary chemicals in your body that my cause major issues down the road.
    What happens when you stop taking them?? If you focus on doing this without the aid of a pill, you are more likely to continue what you learn for the rest of your life.
    Good Luck,

    Search diet pills on this site. There is ALOT of info on it.
  • hamilton4beaumont
    hamilton4beaumont Posts: 122 Member
    OK. I'll admit it! I took that crazy pill in college (very long time ago):ohwell:
    It helped, wrong word, made me lose 30 pounds... of really great muscle and body tone! Yes, I looked smaller, but it was not necessarily better! Also, it said to only take it for 3 months...I went to this clinic and I had taken it for years!!!!!!!! I know, I'm embarrassed to say, but I thought that I couldn't survive without it. Then GOd blessed me and I got pregnant. I stopped taking that pill, but there were tons of withdrawals. I was depressed, my stomach cramped b/c I"d never felt hunger pains in over a year, my head ached constantly, I was bloated, and I still think being on that medicine and starving everyday has seriously messed up my thinking with balance and food. I would not take it if I were you. It made me feel like I was a loser if I ate anything at all. Very dangerous drug and unless you are unable to move, I wouldn't take it at all! You are worth more than all the health risks involved! That's what I tell myself every morning when I look in the mirror and I'm not so thrilled.... I'm here and healthier than before. God doesn't care what size I am, as long as my body is holy and acceptable unto Him! :) Have a great day!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Its not worth it. A quick fix isn't going to teach you anything about your body and how it works, or about nutrition and fitness.

    Plus, diet pills are known to be very addictive and in many cases dangerous. Watch Requiem for a Dream. Remember, most doctors get kickbacks for every perscription they write so be wary when they start perscribing things to hasten things you have the ability to do on your own. It may take longer, but I'll trust nature and my body more than a pill any day.
  • rowlandk
    rowlandk Posts: 146 Member
    I have tried many diet pills. This last time I lost 30 pounds but got the shakes really bad. When I went off of it, I gained 27 pounds. Sad. It may work for the short term but I still can't get rid of the shakes that it gave me and I am sooo much happier doing this without diet pills. I was taking a Pyruvate that my trainer suggested and I didn't feel any side effects, but it didn't help me either.
  • Xtracrispy69
    it'll sound crazy at first but diet pills are no different then other drugs in the stim category....basically like picking up a coke habit (except for the legal issues :bigsmile: )
  • nmsp2180s
    nmsp2180s Posts: 12
    Taking diet pills, especially strong prescription ones, set you up for failure. They mess with your body's natural metabolism (not to mention the effects on the heart and other organs). Once you stop taking them, your metabolism doesn't know how to regulate itself, and you wind up slowing it down. Once you do that, you're back to square one.

    Eat clean instead, and make sure you are eating a little bit every 3-4 hours with your final meal being at about 6 pm. This will naturally rev your metabolism, and it's a life long eating plan, which means you don't have to worry about what happens when you stop.

    Tosca Reno has a great book on eating clean. You might check it out.
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    Don't do it... and you may want to think about getting another doctor. You already look great... definitely not obese! Aren't those pills only supposed to be perscribed ONLY for obese persons, if at all???
  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    I have taken phentermine and i was under a doctors care and I was only allowed to take it for 3 months. I lost 65 pounds in 3 months but gained 80 back in the next 8 months mostly my fault because i did not exercise but my appetite increase 10 fold once i no longer had the drug in my system

    Problem is that like many others have said when you stop taking it you gain weight back. I replied to a post supporting many natural diet pills to support your workout but I would reccomend that you not take this drug.