Are Calorie Deficits + Exercise 100 % Guaranteed?

Hello Everyone,

Lot's of people and People Online say a Calorie Deficit it not the way to go simply because when counting calories and burning calories you don't know the actual amount you are burning and that metabolism changes a lot so your caloric needs vary. I am hoping to lose 1kg Per week. I have calculated my deficit and have to burn around 1072 calories per day (Deficit ) and consume around 1,500-800 calories per day.

I don't mean to offend anyway I am just curious and confused to know if this is prominently accurate and works for everyone?

Thank you


  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Here's a good article with title "a calorie is not a calorie":

    I follow this advise (real food, no gimmicks, no pills, etc) and am burning approx 0.5 kg per week, but had a good week this week I actually burned 1 kg tee hee :-) I set my calories to 1200 per day, which I never seem to get to (under about 100 cal). Good luck.
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    You're certainly not going to lose weight by being in a calorie surplus.. so yes..being in a calorie deficit is the only way you will lose weight.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I think you actually have to be accurate with your counting i.e. weighing your food and measuring only the liquids in order for it to work.

    I think it works, I think it is the basis of all working diets (i.e. Atkins works, because all the protein fills you up and you actually consume less calories that you other wise would).

    Anyway I found those articles quite well written on the subject :