Losing weight but not inches?

I've been eating right and exercising most of the time, though I haven't really exercised the past 2 weeks or so due to being sick and bedridden.

So far I've been losing weight- On October 13th I weighed 80kg/176lbs and now I weigh 75.5kg/166 lbs. The thing while I used to lose a lot of inches, now I'm barely losing any at all! My measurements have barely changed since mid October, maybe 5cm off my whole body(1 from the thighs, one hips, 2 upper arm, one waist.) in over a month. Is this normal? I'd expect losing 10 lbs would have some effect, considering I'm still on the high end of overweight(BMI 28.5 which is good considering I started at 34.3 but still a good ~4 points before healthy weight and 6-8 points over what I'd like it to be) so I'd expect that at a bit over 30 lbs overweight losing 10 would have some kind of noticeable physical effect.

There is one issue though, I haven't been sleeping well lately. Usually I can get around 3-4 hours uninterrupted, and 6-8 hours total a night. There was a week or so where due to the flu I got much less than that. Could that be the issue here? I'm seeing a doctor today, if the sleep issue is resolved will it most likely fix the issue or could it be something else? I feel much better(at least before the sleep **** showed up around a month and a half ago) now that I've lost weight, but I'm only at 42.5% of total weightloss(maybe closer to my goal since if I end up at a low body fat % but am over 120 lbs I will be 100% ok with that and will probably start aiming for muscle growth then) and I'm not even close to done yet.

I'm guessing that since my weight is decreasing the inches need to come off eventually, but since there hasn't really been a change in appearance in the last 10 lbs I'm kind of wondering where the hell it's coming off from.