How do you track calories on certain foods?

Okay, so my mates brang over some seekh kebab wraps in pitta and I don't know how on earth I can add this into MFP?
I know that many takeaway places may not have nutrition information on there foods, so how do you guys manage to track calories/macros on these foods!?


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You try to find an equivalent in the database.
  • BobGoodin
    BobGoodin Posts: 7 Member
    I bet if you search 'Chicken pitia wrap' you'll find something close enough. It wont be exact... but that's life.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    I just searched for "seekh kebab" in the MFP database, and surprise ... IT'S THERE ... This site really does have almost everything ...
  • Siobhan108
    Siobhan108 Posts: 80 Member
    If you are making it yourself you can go to recipes and click add recipe and then add the amount of servings and it will calculate it for you.
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    If I can't find an item (which is rare) I try to do it by ingredients.

    So you might search thick pita bread, search the meat (and guess at the quantity) and so on.

    In fact, when I cook, I track ingredients, not the dish, unless it's something I make frequently. My food diary looks very funny as a result.