horrid body image and self esteem...

disneybuff323 Posts: 21
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I am a 178 lb 5ft 11 inch girl (NO i do not play sports ) It's really hard for me because although I know I'm not extremely overweight, I'm on the bigger end. Almost all of my friends are stick skinny, and stay like that no matter what they eat. I honestly cry, I mean CRY, when I go shopping, because I hate how nothing is made for my body. I have the wide hips and the butt and thighs. I know that I can loose some of it, but I'll never look like them because we have such different body types and I just get really discouraged. I know it's horrible to compare yourself to others, but I can't seem to help it. Also, I don't have much in the chest department (girls you know what i'm referring to) so that just makes the fact that I don't have a super toned belly even worse. I don't know what to do to get me to feel better about myself. What do you guys do? Please help me.


  • try www.innerbonding.com it is an amazing program and the 7 day trial is free, no i am not trying to sell you anything, it is a program that helps give you a new perspective on life, your self-esteem, how you talk to yourself, etc. it has really helped me on my personal journey and I hope it helps you as well!
  • heeeey girl :) I have the same trouble, i have huge hips and thighs and almost no boobs! but you've just got to target the problem areas.. toning your pecs will make your chest look bigger, cycling and jogging will help your thighs! wear stuff that'll take the eye off your hips and to your shoulders, and then you'll feel soooo much better about yourself!! :) if you want motivation or help going along you can message me that's no problem :)
    stay strong, i bet you're beautiful!
  • SkyeBows
    SkyeBows Posts: 80
    Workout as much as you can. I know it sounds easier then it really will be. But as you get older it will only get worse. I used to be one of those really stick skinny girls and a chest never had to do anything for my body. Then I turned 21 and had my first and well I wasn't so called fat but I wasn't what I was I hated it, then I turned 23 and had my second and here I am considering what I would call fat. All you can really do in the end is either work on it and change it or accept that you are different. I will never accept that I am different so I am working out to change it. :)
  • More than anything, don't beat yourself up over it. Everyone is different and at the same time the social thought that being the right weight and being stick-thin are the same thing is one of the biggest problems out there. Being happy with yourself is the tough part, but keep at it. Losing weight and toning up helps, but there's always something that people will find isn't "right" about themselves. Usually, it's only something they have an issue with and nobody else does, though.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I also have a large frame. And even after I get down to my goal weight, I still wont be skinny/small like my friends. It does suck and it has made me :grumble: all my life! But, guess what? There's nothing we can do about it. So, we have to learn to accept it and appreciate ourselves for what we are.

    You just have to wear things that are flattering to your body. You'll find that certain cuts of a shirt will make your waist look small or make you appear to have a fuller chest, etc. You have to find what works for you!

    I'm trying to really focus on being "fit". I know that I will never be petite; so I'm not going to die trying to be something that isn't realistic. But, I can work on getting into good shape, getting toned muscles, etc. Try to accentuate the positive... you probably have some nice, long legs. A tall woman with some long, toned legs is pretty darn hot! :flowerforyou:
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    To be quite honest. I saw both of your profile pictures and you are gorgeous!! I know what you are saying though, about never being able to look like your friends. I was 12 years old wearing a women's size 12. While I am not that size now, I will never- even with my best effort- have slim legs/thigh butt area. I am simply just not built or made that way. I remember seeing girls my age that were less than half my size, all the time.

    I have NEVER, even at my heaviest had a chest. I was a B cup AT BEST even when I was very overweight. Today, I am an A cup. Soemthing that really helped me was seeing what other women looked like. What REAL women looked like. Not all women HAVE to have big chests. Some of us are ment to be 'butt girls'. I know that's my biggest ASSett ;);)


    I had to relearn my thought patterns. Why was I wanting to look like them? Flip it around in your mind. What if everyone was wanting to look like you? What if everyone wanted to be that knock-out tall brunette girl? You will never be something you aren't designed to be. You can however, be the best YOU, you can be.

    Being confident in who you are and understanding who you are, I think, will be wonderful for you. I foudn alot of my body issues stemmed from not really knowing myself. I wasted alot of years not knowing who I was. I still don't have 'all teh answers' but I at least am familiar with the person I am and can feel better about just being me!

    I think that once you start working out and feeling stronger, you will have more confidence and should be able to see your positives. Because believe me, even the stick girls have their negatives. We ALL do. Focus on your positives.

    Do you have long legs? You have pretty eyes or pretty curves? If you try and mesh yourself into clothes/ image that is someone elses it will only put yourself in a bad light. Show off your positives! Try focusing on a different positive each week/ day.
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