Squat with damaged knee

I did it! About a decade ago, my orthopaedic surgeon, physiotherapist and trainer all agreed that I should stay away from exercises that use the knee. So I have been using free weights for upper body exercises but machines for my legs. Even though I could press quite heavy weights for a middle-aged lady, I was not completely happy.

I bought a book on strength training yesterday, in part to get my bench press straightened out, and today tried my first squats with the technique recommended in the book. Nothing hurt! There was no pressure on my knee! Reaching parallel was easy! I even showed my daughter, who had similar advice from a surgeon six months ago, how to do it. She was perfectly fine.

Next week I am getting a trainer to show us the other compound lifts. After years of looking longingly in the direction of the free weights section from behind the leg press, here I come!
