are these realistic targets?

So I currently weigh 115kg and my aim is to weigh 95 kg by the end of may starting now, I've lost 2kg so far and I started 3 weeks ago. I'm 19 and am 178cm tall. All my meals are prepared for me so Its hard to control what I eat but I can still go for the healthier options e.g whole wheat bread cutting cheese and dessert out etc. As for excersise I've started doing insanity and feel great I can only get through half of the video but I do as much as I can. are these good goals or do I need to alter them. My Final goal is to reach 80kg and I can ideally reach that by September/October next year. Any advice?


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    In general that seems like a reasonable target, however, you statement about not being able to control your food concerns me. it is not simply about eating "healthy" foods, whatever those are, it is about creating a consistent moderate calorie deficit. A person eating too much of "healthy" food will still put weight on. For example a slice of whole wheat bread compared to a slice of white bread have about the same calories. The "healthy" aspect is the extra fiber and nutrients that WW bread should have, although many don't. If you eat more WW bread because it is "healthy" you will not lose the weight.

    Along with this, if you cut out all the things you enjoy because they are "unhealthy" then you are probably going to end up miserable and give up, or go on a binge which will slow your progress. The key to this is watching calories. In time you will find that the more nutritious foods will leave you full longer, not to mention if you are like me you will start to like the taste of more nutritious food more as well. Thus, you will likely cut back on the higher calorie lower nutrient food, but you don't need to cut out deserts or whatever else.

    If you can consistently maintain a moderate deficit your goals are well within reach though.