HELP i started starving myself

I'm 5'8" and a fashion model. I'm always comparing myself to super skinny models and obviously want to drop some pounds. Please do not lecture me about the industry as I know it's really competitive. Over the past few months I managed to lose almost 20 pounds (I was a little pudgy before), and I still really want to lose 10 more. The problem is I became frustrated and minimized my intake two days ago. Today I only ate 300 calories. I know that this is terrible for my metabolism. On a regular day I usually ate about 800-1000 calories, I've never really been able to get into the high 1000s at any point of my life. I need to know how I can lose these last stubborn 10 pounds in time for May (when i'll be attending a huge scouting convention). Even though I only started starving two days ago, I feel this burning in my stomach area all the time, and I've already lost about 3 pounds.

Can someone PLEASE help me? Tell me how much I should eat a day so that I don't have to starve myself and can still lose the weight. I know that I'll only end up disappointed when I gain all the weight back if I keep starving myself, so I really want to avoid that huge let-down. I need a calorie goal that will guarantee long-term weight loss.

I'm SO sad that I started starving myself and want to stop as soon as possible, I'm scared that this will turn into something uncontrollable and permanently damaging to my body. I don't think that i have a very fast metabolism and know that this would slow it down even more. So, can anyone help me out? And how can I raise my metabolism so that I can have that cheat sometimes without gaining much weight. I work out about 4-5 times a week.

Please help me as soon as possible, I will be so grateful. Starving is not something I wanted to do but I lost hope and did it anyway, so I need to get out of this immediately to avoid becoming addicted, and gaining the weight back!! If you need more details about anything please include it in your comment and I'll reply asap so that I can get your help. However, I do not want to see a professional as this hasn't become overly extreme yet and no one knows about these past two days.

Thanks so much, you have no idea how much any response will help me.
18 minutes ago

Also, even while starving myself, I don't find myself constantly reaching for food. I'm just not hungry. I drink lots of water (about 3-4L per day).


  • Please go see a nutritionist. They are covered by most health plans and will be able to guide you to a decent eating regime that can help you keep competitively thin + get all of your micronutrients.

    Just so you know, these: are some of the risks of under-eating in the long-term.
  • ellantz8
    ellantz8 Posts: 619
    I will not lecture you, I know that is not what you need right now, you need support. You need to eat at least 1200 calories a day, we are approximately the same height so if you want to lose around 2 lbs a week 1200-1300 calories a day would work but you need to eat at least 1200. To boost your metabolism you need to do a few things, increase your protein intake (lean white meats are good) and I know you said you work but but what kind of workouts? Combining strength and cardio can help boost metabolism. Also eat often this will help both boost your metabolism and build up your appetite. By eating less calories then your body needs to survive you have put it into starvation mode and you are right your metabolism has slowed. Feel free to request me as a friend if you need help! I won't judge you, but please don't continue to treat your body that way! God bless!
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Same here, I will not lecture you. Good job for reaching out and asking for help by the way. That is really terrific. Don't ever go it alone with your pain and turmoils. You need to vent some, as well as listen and consider the perspectives from many people. So good on you for reaching out! Bravo! I too am thinking what ellantz8 is saying is right for the 1200 calorie target. Perhaps you need to think about the "speed" at which you can reach your goal. Sort of like a car on the highway. If you go too fast, you can get to your destination quicker, but risk serious injury to yourself and others. Take it steady and deliberately fixed on your target, you will get there, at a safer speed.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    Are you dead set on this job? That industry is not know for healthy lifestyles (the CC diet of cocaine and champagne) and healthy attitudes towards bodies and people. In that industry you are competing with people who have no problem living on 3-400 calories and in the long run that will not be healthy for you and your self-esteem.

    When you say that you were a little pudgy before, I am not convinced you actually were, you were merely heavier then you were now.

    Somebody posted this with regards the eating disordered thinking and paleo and I think the journey the lady describes might resonate with you.

    edited because I forgot the link :blushing:
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    See a doctor. Ain't nobody on a forum going to be able to help you.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    See a doctor. Ain't nobody on a forum going to be able to help you.

    No one on this forum should actually give you advice! Not even 1000 calories??? You just purposely hurting yourself!
    I second the motion - see a doctor -