Hello! I'm new to my fitness pal.

Hi! I'm new here to the website and found the app on my iPhone. I am 5'3" and 175# and 35 years old. I had a baby 4 months ago and while I lost all of the baby weight from breastfeeding, I had about 20 pounds to lose before I got pregnant. I'm done having kids so this is the time to start losing the weight. Like many Moms (and probably some Dads too) I have guilt about taking time out for myself. I work full-time and pick the kids (also have a 3 year old) up from daycare and we rush home to have dinner. After we clean up from dinner, it's time to play with my son and make faces with the baby. Not long after that, it's time for baths and getting ready for bedtime. Somewhere in there I try to find time to do a load of laundry, pay bills, pick up the toys, etc. I know that I need to exercise but I feel guilty taking time away from them so I tried taking the kids on a walk with me. Guess what happens. The baby cries or my toddler decides he doesn't want to walk anymore or ride in the stroller anymore or someone's thirsty or, you get the picture. So, I'm trying to overhaul my eating habits (which were poor to begin with). I am not a morning person and already get up at 5:30 to get ready for work so I'm not confident that exercising in the morning would be any better for me. I already feel as if I get no sleep with breastfeeding and pumping in the middle of the night.

I am a junk food junkie but after having to hide the junk food from my toddler so he will eat his dinner, I decided it wasn't worth it and started replacing it with fresh fruit & veggies. I have been packing a lunch to take to work so not only does my waistline thank me, my checkbook does too. My husband does the cooking and I have found recipes that are quick & easy as well as healthy for us. We are trying to cut way down on eating out and eating processed foods. And because I'm not used to it, I have to comment that meal planning sucks! I will admit, I'm a little overwhelmed but I just keep telling myself to give it time. It will get easier and I will see results someday.

Thanks for letting me vent and reading, if you made it this far. I am sure that many have overcome these obstacles and that I will too with enough perseverance. I think the website is great and easy to keep track of everything. I love that I can do it online or from my iPhone.
