Hello from DC

Hi, everyone! Apparently I joined the site quite a while ago but I've never done anything with it. Time to change that! Time to change a lot of things. As the years are dragging on, the weight is creeping up. It's gotten to the point that it's affecting a lot of areas of my life and I need to take control of my health and weight. I'd like to lose about 50 pounds, and I think the key for me is MOVING. I am so bad with exercise. I want to love it, I just don't, so if you have any secrets in that regard bring em on. :)

A bit about me: I'm from Florida but live in DC with The Man and our two dogs, my babies. I've been vegan since 2006 and was vegetarian for years before that. I'm in the process of transitioning to a different career and basically have two full-time jobs right now. I watch too much tv and buy too many shoes.

I'd like to be part of a supportive online community in which we learn from and inspire each other. I've "started over" so many times, and I need to make it work this time. Look forward to getting to know you!


  • rswalls
    rswalls Posts: 157 Member
    Feel free to add me...I like shoes and tv too...and I work in Northern VA :smile:
  • LisaT99
    Hi, neighbor! Sent you a request.