Any meditators out there?

Hi everyone;

I'm wondering if anyone out there does meditation on a regular or semi-regular basis. I am trying to get more regular at it myself, because I notice that it really helps me wait out cravings. The more I meditate the better I get at letting an urge to eat something come and go, rather than just give into it right away. Has anyone else had this kind of experience? Also, what other tips do people have to deal with food cravings?


  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I really need to start meditating more often! Thanks for reminding me. :) When I do it daily, it helps with overall focus and my energy levels. Not sure abount hunger - haven't meditated regularly in awhile, but I wouldn't be surprised if it helps with that, since I tend to be less bothered by hunger when I'm more focused. Meditation also helps me feel more grounded. It doesn't seem like it would be hard to work 5 minutes of meditation in every day (I'd like to do it longer, but that's my starting goal) but unless I make the time for it, it doesn't happen.
  • Motleybird
    Motleybird Posts: 119 Member
    I'd never thought about using it for that reason, but I guess it could help, especially if stress is one of the reasons why you're getting snacky.

    I should do it every day, but I don't. More like a couple times a week. I should start logging that and my chi kung again just to remind myself to do it.
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    HA.... me too on the "semi-regular" meditating! :sad: :blushing:

    It REALLY helps me stay calm through all the major stress currently going on.
    However, if I don't get up early enough before the house & neighborhood gets noisy, it doesn't get done.

    Thanks for the reminder! Meditation & exercise are the best thing for stress reduction.

    BTW: Eating more protein helps with cravings. Also drinking water instead of eating helps move through them.

    GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY! OMMMMMMMMMMM.......... :flowerforyou: :love:
  • leavinglasvegas
    I've been meditating for more than half my life. It helps with everything! Where you are centered, you make better choices on all levels. It doesn't neccessarily help with cravings directly. But what happens is that you become centered and relaxed from within. This will lead to better intuition and connection with your body. In turn, you don't turn to food for comfort because you are not avoiding emotion. It is at the forefront of your thoughts and you are centered enough to choose to deal with the emotion rather than bury it. In a way, I think of meditaion as a daily cleaning out the closet.

    My favorite meditations are guided meditations. Its the same as hypnosis. I have a CD by Jane Buiting called Healing in the Light of Love. It is the best mid-day pick me up EVER! She uses visualization techniques and positive affirmations. Her voice is so soothing and her message so uplifting. It really "heals" you from the inside out.

    A tip I learned from a spiritual teacher a few years ago about mastering silent meditation....... (This may sound out there and silly....)

    Clear out your closet floor completely and clean it. Make the floor of your closet a personal meditation room. (Don't clear it out each time you uise it, dedicate it for meditation only. No storage, you want it as clear and uncluttered as possible.) Get a cushion for the floor to make you comfortable if you like. Now meditate in there. Start slow, 5 minutes. Sit in there with the door closed. Increase by 5 minutes each week. This works very well because it is totally dark and personal. Better yet, nobody will disturb you as long as you don't tell them where you are because they will never think to look for you in a closet!:laugh: Believe it or not, Ive had some of my most intense meditations in my closet!

    I also like to go to meditation services. My church does one once a week. It is generaly 15 minutes of guided meditation by a minister followed by 45 minutes of silent meditation. The energy is fantastic because of all teh other people there. You litterally feel the vibration. It's awesome!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    The closet idea sounds very interesting. I confess to not knowing much about meditation, but since I am a little claustrophobic, I am not sure I will be cleaning out my closet anytime soon.:flowerforyou: :ohwell:
  • themyriadthings
    themyriadthings Posts: 225 Member
    Oh wow, there are more meditators around than I thought! Cool! I have only been doing it for about a year or so, but I have found that it does really help me just face things and ride them out (be they cravings, stress, uncomfortable emotions, etc.) rather than ignore them. I do the silent meditation mostly, athough do follow along with the guided meditations at now and then. I splurged and got a proper meditation cushion some months ago and seeing it sitting there on the floor has helped remind me to 'just sit' more often. I dont' have a totally dedicated space for meditating, but do have a favorite spot in a sunny room :) When I get out of the habit I start with 5 minutes like other people have said, and I'm trying to work up to an hour, eventually. Happy meditating everyone!
  • ChaosInTheFlesh
    i was just wondering if anyone out there meditates well guess i got my awnser and then some thanks everyone and thanks for the tips ...i never thought to meditate in a closet either.. what an idea :glasses:
  • themyriadthings
    themyriadthings Posts: 225 Member
    Outside is my favorite place to meditate, but sometimes the mosquitoes are too much! :)
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I love to meditate for all the reasons you have already listed.
    My favourite guided meditation at the moment is a chakra workout, by David Wells (UK medium) I always feel so energised afterwards! So much so I have to remember not to do that one at bed time, I feel too buzzed to sleep lol!
    Since starting the diet I've been doing 'slim visualisations' visualising myself reaching my next mini goal or fitting into that perfect outfit. Its really helped to keep me motivated.

    Blessed be x