Good Life Fitness Classes vs abstract workout

Looking to get a little advice, I'm hoping to get my *kitten* back to the gym, and I've looked at my local GLF and I've picked out a class I'd like to do every day, where I do a class every other day.

Are classes the best bet? I realize I should be doing more outside of that, longer walks and getting up off my *kitten* rather than being lazy around the house, but can you activly lose weight by just doing classes? Or should I be finding a workout routine to do outside of the classes? I've picked a different class for every day, and I'd be going M W F S one week, then T TH S the next. Does this sound reasonable?


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Weight loss happens in your kitchen, fitness classes and exercise are for fitness (they may help you maintain a caloric deficit)

    The answer lies within you. If you're disciplined enough you can get exercise videos, weights etc and do it all on your own. Some people prefer the more social atmosphere (and commitment) of a class / group environment.

    Certainly the idea of doing different classes throughout the week is a great way to reduce the likelihood of boredom.
  • gonesewing
    gonesewing Posts: 63 Member
    Works for me, I do a GL class almost everyday and sometimes two. I like to do the Pump/Flow or Step/flow combos. Sometimes a CXworxs/Step combo as well. I do the flow on my rest day as well. I love it. I have lost about 35lbs and I am in the best shape of my life. I do bike in the summer (from Oakville here) for my cardio. Halton has great places to bike. Looking to pick up some RPM in the new year and also maybe trying out Attack. There is just so much to pick from and I love Pump and Step so don't want to give them up to try another class type :P. I do work out with my husband a few days a week so that helps :). He does Pump, Step, Flow, CXWorxs and RPM.
  • moefinch
    moefinch Posts: 31 Member
    I'm addicted to RPM and do 4-5 classes a week. I also like Pump, but my neck couldn't handle the bar across my shoulders so I've taken a break from it and do the same type of strength training on my own in the gym. Enjoy! Once you find an instructor that you like, you'll feel horrible for missing :)
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    I love drop in classes. Fun and motivating. But try to switch it up, don't always do the same class. I like spin, weight class and yoga at the moment. I also run on my own as well.
  • WhyDelilah79
    WhyDelilah79 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm a big fan of their classes. I NEED classes to make me work. It seems far less like work in a class too.
    I went for a couple of months (from no exercise at all) and didn't lose any weight at all. As soon as I started calorie counting with this app it started coming off, so I'd have to agree with the above poster about weight loss in the kitchen and gym for fitness.

    My favourite class is body combat. :-)