Do I have to eat six small meals a day?



  • oc1timoco
    oc1timoco Posts: 272 Member
    Do what works for you. Stay within your calorie count for the 24 hr. period.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    In order to build muscle mass after resistance training, and to prevent its loss when you are in a calorie deficit, your body needs a continuous supply of amino acids in the blood stream (from protein consumption). Amino acids aren't stored for later use, and your body can't really use more than about 30 grams every 2-3 hours, so that's one of the reasons for the multiple small, high protein meals.

    The other benefit of many small meals is to avoid big swings in your energy balance. It's entirely possible to be in energy balance for the day (calories in = calories burned) but because of the timing of your meals and exercise, spend most of your day either in a calorie deficit or calorie surplus. The former tends to make you loss muscle mass, and the latter tends to make you build fat deposits.

    Actual science, not bro science.

    Sorry to be curt, but essentially everything you have posted is well-known to be nothing but myths. I would recommend a little research before giving advice on this topic again.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I think it's an "if it works for you" kind of thing. The problem I see with it is you have to find time for those 6 meals, you have to find time to prepare them, and I don't want to be married to worrying about my next meal in 2-3 hours. Then if you miss one, you've conditioned your body to eat every 3 hours, now you are hungry and might end up bingeing.

    I like my 2-3 bigger meals a day.