Returning to Running

ErinKrug Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Erin - I ran competitively only one year in college, but did very well. I have been running now for about 11 years, however, the past 3 have been very sporadic. While my weight isn't a health issue, I am heavier than I have ever been. 'Normal' for me, is considered 'underweight' at the doctors. So, now being 20 pounds heavier than usual, I am overweight (for me). I'm slowly reintroducing running, and counting calories again. I have recently been diagnosed with a weird gene that has some inflammatory affects on my spine and eyes. I have been careful to get enough rest so these issues don't flare up more frequently. But with a rapidly growing bath and body business and two busy young children at home - it is difficult to fit it all in. The only time for me to fit a run in is at about 5:30 am. So - if I have to be self-motivated to get out the door when I'm super-tired, and somehow find enough energy to make soap at night until about 10, since I take good care of my babes during the day.

Any motivation/support/love - MUCH appreciated!

Anxious to meet others in this forum!



  • Hi, and welcome. I just joined yesterday and although I am not overweight, I am overweight for me. I have gained about 15lbs over the past 3 yrs. I am slower and have a lot more injuries when I run. I want to lose the weight so I can improve my PR, not be so sore after long runs and just feel better in my skin. I get up at 430am to run, motivation is sometimes hard to find, but I always have a better day if I run first. We can do this! If you can run a business, and be a mom then losing the weight will be easy. Good luck and remember you can do it, you'll feel, run faster and have more energy once the weight is off.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I started running last year. I was running 12.5 minute miles at first! But I lost a lot of weight and worked very hard at my running and then I got down to 8:40 miles. I was so happy.

    Then I injured myself and had to stop running for a while. Bah.

    I'm ready to start back up again but I'm scared.
  • Thanks for introducing yourselves, ladies and making me feel welcome - - and not so alone with similar stories. Wow, 4:30 carpsdale? Holy Mama. I thought 5:30 was early - you go girl !
  • MacMadame - 110 lbs lost ???!! AMAZING !
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