belly pooch… is it ever going away?



  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    First of all, op, your hotness is great, your pooch is small (and really freaking adorable).

    Second, most people who feel like "the rest of me is ok but my belly needs work" would change their tune if their eyes were in the back of their heads, such that they had to stare at that "rest of me" every time they stood in front of a mirror.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    OP, you're adorable. Your pooch is barely noticeable, and if that's your only flaw, could you learn to live with it if nothing worked?
  • seed_of_wonder
    seed_of_wonder Posts: 202 Member
    thanks guys the rest of me also needs work but the pooch is what i notice most. i could learn to live with it if i had to but im determined to get rid of it, even if its adorable haha
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