Hi--Fairly new and need motivation and friends :)

Hello! I am 19 and have always been overweight. I've always suffered low self-esteem and it is certainly not helped by my appearance. In April I got married and moved across the world, from the US to Japan. It's been a strange transition to be sure, and I have discovered many things about myself. One key thing being a knack and a love for cooking and baking. Which has led me to gain 15 pounds.
I've finally had enough of it. I have one pair of jeans that fits and several that are too tight now. I won't stand for it any longer! I've just started my weight loss journey. I've lost 5 pounds so far, but my motivation is dwindling fast. I've endured depression for a long time, but with the colder months it gets worse.
Is anyone here struggling with the same issues? I LOVE food. God, I love to eat! I just want it all! And Japan has so many sweets to offer. Japanese food is the best EVER! Which makes it so difficult to keep myself within my 1200 calorie limit. I've been exercising and have slowly been bringing the gym home. (I bought an exercise bike and am purchasing a treadmill tomorrow) It's helped me a little bit because I can watch my shows while I work out. (I am such a sucker for TV).
But it still doesn't feel like enough.
I know the fat won't all melt off overnight, but I am so sick and tired of it, I just want it gone! I have made so many lifestyle changes in the past year and a half. I've switched to vegetarianism (although I eat fish) and have begun experimenting with healthy cooking/baking. I get up and run with the dog (and she is the best trainer!! She snorts at me if I don't run.) But still it doesn't feel like I'm doing enough.
So maybe I just need friends that are on the same journey that I am.
Anyway, if you've just endured my novel, you must be a friend. :) Please tell me I am not the only one who goes with something for two weeks and then loses motivation!


  • sandra8759
    Hi, I've been overweight for atleast 36 of my 54 years. I used to weigh no more than 125, and then I got married and had four children, end of story, naah, I weigh 270, and used to weigh 292, two and a half months ago. I have been using this myfitnesspal, that my youngest daughter introduced me to and have been walking 20 - 25 minutes a day as well as doing from 15 to 24 sets of 12 with 5lb. weights. I just bought an exercize bike and am hoping to undo some damage that I've done the past couple of days......Thanksgiving conquered my willpower. I have been a sweets lover for so long and that has always been my weakness, but now I have succumb to artificial sweetners as I have been diagnosed with borderline diabetic. I refuse to go on medication so now I have more incentive to lose this weight. Yes it can be quite depressing at times but I try to keep my head up and as busy as possible to avoid any negativity as I continue down this hard path, that I know I really want and need to go through........
  • psruddy
    psruddy Posts: 4 Member
    Keep up the good work. When you slip off the beam get right back up on it. Compare yourself now to when you were in denial and you will see how far you have come instead of focusing on how far you want to go.

    Consistency makes eating right a lifestyle and equals success.

    Feel free to friend me.
  • jimzucco
    I've had a lot of similar experiences as I'm sure a lot of people on here have, but I really think support is key. Send me a message any time.