Not quite sure where to post this, but I need some advice



  • Sorry to hear of your dilemma - you may just need longer for the sinus issues to settle but I have a condition which isn't diabetes but is linked to low blood sugar - what happens if I am not careful is this.
    about 20 mins after eating a meal with processed carbs i feel very very dizzy ( not nauseous though) I have to sit down and wit about 15 mins, if I dont I am worried I will keel over. My management of this condition is to eat few complex( wholegrain) non processed carbs and get my carbs mainly from vegetables. Has you get nauseous my problems probably not like yours but just a thought !!! Good luck and I hope you soon feel well gain.
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    One of the first things that comes to my mind is vertigo. Good luck!

    This was my first thought as well

    I have vertigo and it is affected by stress and if i take in alot of is horrible and i hate it cause I feel nervous and tense wondering when will it hit again. I hope you get relief soon.
  • acstein
    acstein Posts: 55
    so far, I've had 3 diagnoses, after 3 different visits, with 3 different doctors...Diagnosis 1: Sinus infection, which I did have, wasn't the causing the dizziness and nausea. Diagnoses 2: UTI, which I did have, wasn't causing nausea and dizziness. Diagnoses 3: Vertigo, not sure if that's accurate or not yet. Gave me Antivert and said give the medicine 5-7 days to work, if not, come back again. While it's annoying, at least we fixed the other 2 problems and are still working to fix the original one.

    thanks again!!