Hi I need some advise...am I losing weight too fast?

johnmuffins Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone,

I'm psyched and I'm so happy I found this app through my phone.

I'm 11 days into my weight loss program. The website recommended a 1,270 calorie diet. But I barely touch 1,100 per day since I started.

On Day 7, I started to do daily cardio (45 mins to 1 hour). So I've been getting surpluses of 600 to 800 calories every day.

I've lost weight so fast--10 lbs in 10 days and I'm worried I'm doing something wrong to my body.

My energy level has never been better. I don't get hungry because I eat often throughout the day and I get my 8 hours of sleep now.

I'm in my early 30s and I've had a sedentary lifestyle in the past 9 years on which I gained about 60 lbs.

thanks in advance.



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    You are a guy, so you are a "fast oxidizer" which means you have a faster metabolism than the average woman, and it is therefore easier for you to lose!! Goody for you!! (no sarcasm intended; envy -yes, sarcasm-no :wink: :laugh:)

    You will find that as time goes on, your rate of loss will slow. If you have made a major dietary change, several pounds of your loss might be water, as the sodium is flushed out of your system.

    I do NOT recommend consistently staying below the minium calories, or your body is eventually call a halt to the losing game and your weight loss will stall, as your body will be trying to hold on to all the weight it can for fear of starvation. You may also need to eat back some of your exercise calories to avoid stalling.

    For now, enjoy it while you can (the rapid loss), as it will slow as your body gets used to the new regimen you are following. For myself, I lost 12 lbs. my first month on MFG and 18 lbs. total in the first 6 weeks. Only wish that rate could have continued.:ohwell:
  • I just found this site yesterday......wow for you to get off to such a quick start. I'm not a Dr., but I have read it is safe to lose up to 2lbs per week on average. Based on what you typed, maybe your body is shedding pounds so quickly due to your former lifestyle....I am thinking you should plateau out here pretty soon, then go from there. That is for sure a lot of weight in 10 days! I doubt 10lbs in 10 days will hurt you, but if you continue to lose a pound every day on average, I would definitely check with your doctor and maybe incorporate some additional "healthy" calories into your diet. Like lean protein or something......hope this helps!
  • nbingham
    nbingham Posts: 102 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much. I've done various things for weight loss before and I always lost an unusual amount of weight in the beginning. The important thing (and this is why I think myfitnesspal.com is going to keep working for me) is that you are keeping track of what you eat and not starving yourself. You're exercising and that's great, so you have an even bigger calorie deficit. But a lot of people I've seen on here don't eat their exercise calories unless they're really hungry. I'd say as long as you feel good and are losing weight that you're right on track.
  • You most likely are losing water weight. When you start any diet you'll lose alot of weight at first and then as it goes it'll even out and slow down to 1-3 pounds a week. Make sure you try to hit your target calorie intake as well, with a bunch of meal through the day. Breakfast Lunch Dinner should all take most of your calories then like a few 100 cal snacks. Its been working great for me!
  • I think it's normal to lose fast at first. I lost 11 pounds the first 4 days and people were saying that wasn't healthy, but I knew I was eating enough...and I was 290 when I started so I knew the first 10 or so would just fly off. However, I haven't lost any in the last 6 days, but not letting myself get discouraged, because I've started doing cardio/pilates/yoga, and can feel and see the changes in my body...the number on the scale is not as important as changing your body.
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    I also agree most of us lose a lot of weight quickly at first - especially with adding a lot of exercise in when you were sedentary! Keep it up and make sure you ARE eating enough calories to sustain health as well as weight loss. Also, if you have a lot to lose, you can lose it faster at first because it is easier for you to create a deficit. Some of it is probably water weight as well.

    & Keep up the great work! Even when your progress slows, it is important to remember why you started (because if you stop, you WILL gain it back.)
  • jjstokes
    jjstokes Posts: 47 Member
    Do eat as many of your exercise calories as you can. There's a helpful post on here, since you're new you may not have found it yet. Here's the link.
    I've been losing about 3/4 lb a week for a little over 5 months, using this web site. It's been consistent, and SO encouraging. Progress is progress!
  • Wow nice community! Thanks for all the quick responses.

    Also thanks for this find:
    There's a helpful post on here, since you're new you may not have found it yet. Here's the link.

    I guess I don't want to have too much calorie deficit because my body metabolism might just go survival mode. Either way, I realize just having a healthier lifestyle will lead me to my goals eventually.
  • raymj61
    raymj61 Posts: 142
    This may not be medically sound advice but, as long as your body doesn't tell you that you need more calories, don't worry about your deficit. I pretty much responded the same way. I show a considerable deficit nearly everyday. I lost 11 lbs the first 14 days. It has slowed down to 2-3 lbs per week since but I was expecting that. A calories in vs calories burned deficit is money as long as your above your natural wt. The weight will come off.

    One reason I don't worry too much about my deficit is that studies have shown that most people undercount their calories either intentionally or unintentionally so I like to keep a cushion for this reason if nothing else. As far as the starvation mode you mentioned, well, it's not like your resting metabolism is gonna stop completely. It may slow down some but I think actual starvation mode is an a response under extreme conditions, I don't think many of us are going to eat that little. Your appetite will kick in before this. In the meantime, your still gonna burn calories exercising but there are things you can do to combat a slow down in your metabolism such as eating 5 small meals instead of three hardy ones etc. Just make note of how your body responds to what your doing make your decisions from there.
  • I lost 11 lbs the first 14 days. It has slowed down to 2-3 lbs per week since but I was expecting that. A calories in vs calories burned deficit is money as long as your above your natural wt. The weight will come off.

    I actually slowed now too. 11lbs in 14 days exactly. My energy level is still good though so starting my 3rd week, I decided too change my daily work out-- I added strength exercises and lessen my cardio time.
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