Weight loss vs muscle gain

So I am a gym addict. I have been going everyday for minimum of 25 mins (HIgh intensity impact training class) and maximum of 2 hours (2x gym programs)

The thing is my legs and waistline seems bigger and also I weigh almost a stone more! I can't work out why I'm not losing weigh as easily as usual.

I eat around 1600 calories a day. I'm also vegetarian.

When googling the muscle weighs more than fat mantra I'm now unsure if it's true?

Has anyone else gained weight from toning up?

Faith x


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Over what time period have you gained this weight? Are you using the same scale and weighing yourself under the same conditions? (Same time of day, same amount of clothing etc)

    Have you taken measurements of your body to determine if your waist and legs are actually bigger? Do your clothes fit differently?

    Are you weighing all your food on a digital scale and logging everything you eat as accurately as possible? If so, how long have you been doing that for?

    Also, what are your stats? (age/height/weight) - this will help people give better advice.

    ETA: muscle weighs more than fat per volume (it's denser than fat) but you're unlikely to have gained any significant amount of muscle unless you're eating at a surplus. The same goes for fat. If you are eating at a surplus (eating more than you're burning) then you may have gained some muscle, but not a stone's worth.