Anyone have a Liver friendly diet or food recommendations?

I will start by saying this isn't for me. This is for my daughter.

She started getting very ill a few weeks ago. After many tests, and a few days in the hospital, they found she had elevated liver enzymes, and enlarged spleen.

Her liver was damaged by a medication she was on. We stopped the meds and was told her liver will make a full recovery. Still no reason for the enlarged spleen, but they said it will take a few months for her liver to start working normally.

The only thing the Dr mentioned, was to avoid Tylenol and alcohol - but didn't mention diet. They said anything she can tolerate.

I am the main meal planner/ cook etc... I would like to try any make meals and give foods that are easy or gentle on the Liver.

Is red meat harder on the liver than let say, chicken or fish? Please help. I am a total loss. :frown:


  • kfalcon23
    kfalcon23 Posts: 23 Member
    Also wondering if diet may help her spleen as well?
  • kfalcon23
    kfalcon23 Posts: 23 Member
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    I'm surprised your doc didn't give diet advice. Please be careful with recommendations on the internet, including this site, they can sound like expert advice, and you know why free advice is free. I'm just concerned because you are describing a very fragile situation with the health of your baby. Is there any way you can get to talk to your doctor again to get food advice, or get food advice from another doctor? Have you checked out reputable medical advice internet sites like Mayo clinic?

    Wishing you and you baby good luck. Take care sweetheart.
  • kfalcon23
    kfalcon23 Posts: 23 Member
    This is actually my 18 year old daughter - sorry. I should have mentioned this. I forgot my picture has my youngest one in it.

    I will not make changes to her diet without running it by the Dr first - I was just hoping to get some ideas to run by her on Tues when we have her next appt.

    Thank you for your lovely advice. I wholeheartedly agree with you :)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'm surprised your doc didn't give diet advice. Please be careful with recommendations on the internet, including this site, they can sound like expert advice, and you know why free advice is free. I'm just concerned because you are describing a very fragile situation with the health of your baby. Is there any way you can get to talk to your doctor again to get food advice, or get food advice from another doctor? Have you checked out reputable medical advice internet sites like Mayo clinic?

    Wishing you and you baby good luck. Take care sweetheart.

    ^^^^ this

    I would have thought that too much protein isn't good for a fragile liver.... BUT I'm not a doctor, really I don't know!! so I don't think anyone here can really advice, unless they suffer from the same condition.... even then the advice for them may not be what's right for your daughter.

    Hope she makes a complete recovery!
  • ohkatherinewheel
    ohkatherinewheel Posts: 18 Member
    Well my father is currently suffering from liver failure, and in need of a transplant.

    The diet they have him on now is very interesting, but beneficial to his liver. He isn't eating meat anymore, but is eating plenty of soy protein (things like Boca burgers, tofu, tempeh). He's also stopped eating any type of wheat including breads and desserts. He can still eat oats, and things made with pure corn flour. No sugar at all, unless it comes from fruits and he can't eat watermelon, cantaloupe, any types of berries, or cherries. No white potatoes. I'm sure you can ask the doctor about a "Low Ammonia Diet", that's what my dad is on.

    Hopefully you find something to help her! Good luck!