On Jenny Craig, hoping MFP helps too

You're probably thinking -- wow you're on Jenny Craig and you're doing this too? Yep. I am seriously at rock bottom here. The short story: I am in my 40s, female. My highest weight was 350 pounds. I lost slowly over a decade, had kids, and then settled around 210 lbs. I lost more on my own, and then joined Jenny Craig about 7 years ago to try to get the last bit off. I was very doubtful it would work, but I stuck to the plan and it worked. I am 5'8". I got to my goal weight for the first time in my entrie life. I was a gym rat. I really thought I had this beat. I maintained my weight loss for 4 years. And then, old habits started creeping back in. I kept rationalizing it -- thinking I could maintain at 140 lbs and still have that cookie or that piece of pizza or that bagel. And it was okay for a while. I did maintain, but then one bagel became two and ... you know how it goes. Now, two years later, I am back to my original weight when I first walked into Jenny Craig. I am 180 lbs. Crazy and terrible ... because I swore I'd never let this happen again and here I am, after four years of maintaining at 140. So, for the past two years, the people at Jenny Craig have told me I have just been on it for too long. I need a change. I like the food, and you do add your own food (fruit, veggies). I just need something to shake things up for me. SO I am hoping MFP is it. I used to wear the BodyMedia band ... same premise ,but it actually was a band on your arm you wore to measure calories expended. Even when I followed that, I was just basically maintaining. I just don't know if I'll ever find the motivation like I once have, but none of my clothes fit. I hate how I feel/look. I am worried about my health. I'm not getting younger. I feel like whatever little tricks used to work no longer work, because of my age.

ANy words of support or advice on this new journey with MFP would be appreciated. Please tell me there is still hope and this could actually be the thing that turns this large ship around for me!


  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Of course you'll be fine. Just stick to your daily allowance, eat back 1/2 to all your (accurately burnt) exercise calories, drink 1-2 litres of water a day and you'll lose. It's that simple! Good luck.
  • focuseddiva
    focuseddiva Posts: 174 Member
    Wow. This sentence: Just stick to your daily allowance, eat back 1/2 to all your (accurately burnt) exercise calories, drink 1-2 litres of water a day and you'll lose.

    That is the clearest explanation I have found so far on how MFP works. Thank you!! That is way easier to remember than staring at all the numbers and trying to figure things out. So, based on what you said, if I am to eat 1200 cals per day (according to MFP) ,and yesterday I ate 1391, burned 476 through exercise ... I really only would have had about 50 more cals to eat yesterdaty, b/c 1391 cals consumed is already 200 more than I should have eaten. Right?

    but still. Your sentence should be the tagline for this whole site. Seriously, that is the clearest thing I've read about this. And I will totally remember it, Thank yoU! (Except now I need to figure out how to force 1-2 liters of water down my throat. Ick.)

    Thanks again.
  • CEMH1
    CEMH1 Posts: 33
    You seem to have the skills, just time to put them into action. You can do it! Before I joined MFP I had never even considered logging my calories. Exercise was already part of my daily life. I find logging and letting friends see my day is a great motivator. Quick question, is Jenny Craig all processed foods? Just a suggestion, but getting off processed foods for a while and eating healthy live foods, while avoiding sugar might help shock you body into a reset.
    Good luck!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Why use that super expensive program when hard work and diet will get you there just as fast? Buy a food scale and make sure you measure your food acuratly and you will get there. :) and you will have an easier time keeping it off.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Congrats on committing to your health. I am the same height as you and lost 46 pounds in 2012 which are still gone. I think the logging is key to me. I, too, used another plan and it worked for me and I think the key thing is to stick with the good habits that got you to goal and commit to working thru maintenance for two years after. I don't ever plan to stop logging.

  • focuseddiva
    focuseddiva Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks to you all. Yes jenny Craig is processed. Its no different than a frozen lean cuisine meal. But I like the set it and forget it mentality. It did work for me once. If I stick to it, it works. I also add fresh veggies and fruit. I have all the tools I need. Now I just need to care enough about myself to stick with it and get back on track. I plan on visiting these boards often. Hoping to get more support and offer what I can along the way.
  • You can do it the hardest part is to start. Good luck you are not alone. Day one for me tracking.