Loosing weight and getting more toned

For a while I wasnt loosing any weight but then I did seem to loose alot in over a course of a month about 10 lbs. Then I seemed to plateau but finally loosing weight slowly this time around. But I seem to be getting more toned especially in my waist area. Now if I remember correctly your body can get more toned before you really loose weight...Can some one remind me if I am correct or not. I also up'd my daily calorie in take but thats when I wasnt loosing weight then I readjusted it this past week and thats when I noticed to be loosing it again


  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    Dont you want to be tone? I think im missing something here. Are you asking if your headed for a losing streak... Ive never heard that. well not quite the way I think your thinking anyway. yes lean muscle mass is more efficient at burning fat but that doesn't mean as soon as your abs show up you're going to start dropping weight super easy. Infact mostly what I've heard is the lower your bf% is the harder it is to drop more weight. Witch makes since...our bodies really dont want us to be without those safety net stores.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Of course I want to be more toned but what I meant is it possible to loose weight a little then slow down but get more toned while doing so. I know its not going to happen over night, it takes time. But in the past when I lost weight, I wasnt exactly toned I did more cardio then anything else but this time around Im making sure to do strength training and calisenthics