Going to the bar....

How do you keep things moderated when spending an afternoon/evening at the bar? especially if you are there watching football or something - where an afternoon of beer, wings, nachos is the norm?


  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Have a shot every second pint instead of chasing each pint and eat wings / nachos alternatively instead of double penetrating your mouth!
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    Paying attention how many glasses I drink and food I ate and then when I get home log it. I just log the approximate amount cos obviously I don't weight stuff I ate when out, I do when I'm home tho even if it's just one fried chicken wing. If it's over my calorie intake, which it usually is cos I just at and don't count when I'm at it, then I just ate less next day. The "push it to the next day" thing works for me cos I don't go out or "relax" regular basis. But if you are having fun every evening then this is not prolly the solution.
  • RedfootDaddy
    RedfootDaddy Posts: 274 Member
    Pace yourself, don't deny yourself! Drink one or two glasses of water between every beer, and if the wings and nachos are being passed around, take a couple, eat them, enjoy them, and wait to take another until you're sure you really want them.

    Me being me I would also check approximately how many calories/sodium (I watch my sodium because of my blood pressure) would be in a typical beer, wing, fistful of nachos, etc BEFORE I went out, then I could at least have an idea while I'm having fun without having to constantly log.

    For example (pulling numbers out of the air here):
    Beer = 400 calories/pint
    Wing = 75 calories each
    Nachos = 100 calories for three or four loaded chips

    Then I know that I can safely have two beer, ten wings, and a bunch of nachos without starting to eat my exercise calories. Then I know exactly where my "Hmm, maybe this would be bad" line is before I reach it, so I'm not stressing about every bite I put into my mouth until then.

    And water. Drink water. I know I already said it, but it's important. Waaateeeerrrrr.
  • foxruddellc1
    foxruddellc1 Posts: 65 Member
    yes, what he said above! don't deny yourself anything, take a few nachos/wings and enjoy them!

    i find that the more i drink, the more i overeat, so if you can find a drink that is strong that you really enjoy and can sip on, that may also help you cut down! i really love tequilla, will drink it strait, so i get stuff like a shot with soda water and lime juice, but it tastes strong enought that i won't chug it, (unless i've had a crap day, then i aviod the bar because i know i will say **** it.)

    sometimes i eat before i go out, or i order an enormous salad wile i am out, (no meat, no cheese, no crutons and dressing on the side.) or if i'm planning on getting drunk, i cut back my calories the day before and the day of, by 300 calories, giving me enough room for 3 drinks.

    play around with different suggestions you get and see what works best for you!
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    Get in some extra monring cardio!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Stick with vodka or any other clear alcohol. I like vodka and soda water with two lemons. Also, stick with the chicken wings and no nachos. With your wings ask for loads of celery, and dont use the dipping sauce if you can stay away. Eat very light the whole day and the next day and drink tonsssss of water. Some places even serve baked wings now
  • LaLa482
    LaLa482 Posts: 82 Member
    Stick with vodka or any other clear alcohol. I like vodka and soda water with two lemons. Also, stick with the chicken wings and no nachos. With your wings ask for loads of celery, and dont use the dipping sauce if you can stay away. Eat very light the whole day and the next day and drink tonsssss of water. Some places even serve baked wings now

    Start the morning out with tons of protein and stick to drinks mixed with zero calorie mixers (ie soda). Tons of water in between will help you keep full. Have fun!
  • boroko
    boroko Posts: 358 Member
    Pace yourself. Drink water. Plan ahead and be conscious of what you are eating and drinking. Enjoy what you do have but don't just mindlessly shove stuff in your mouth. Take control of your intake - it's OK so say no thanks and you don't have to just eat crap because everyone around you is. Look for healthier options on the menu, or if there really aren't any, make sure you don't leave home feeling hungry and tired or you are bound to eat too much. Are you going to the bar to be social or just to stuff your face? You can be very sociable and have a good time without having to out-eat or drink the other guys. Decide what matters to you and do it.