who i am and why i am here.

i am a 32 year old man i am 6'2" tall and weigh around 236 today. about 5 years ago i weighed 305 and so i engaged in a year of vigorous workouts and eating a crap ton of salads with chicken. life changed my son was born and what i found was that the pounds rapidly came back on. I got down to 203 was in ok shape lifted weights to get there almost no cardio activity because i didn't like to run.

fast forward to january of this year and i weighted nearly 280 again. I was that guy you know the one on the tv that gained it all back. i put the brakes on and started over again. I have learned a few new things this year.

You can't live on salads when there is a 3 year old in the house.
That same 3 year old demands much of the time that you used to spend at the gym.
His easter candy bucket can be your enemy.
He can be the motivation you need to finish a hard workout.
He is the best coach you could ever ask for because when a 3 year old cheers you on they really mean it.

This time i have learned much more about good nutrition and healthy eating. I have not been able to kick soda yet and honestly don't really want to. I have however limited it. I have 1 serving per day. It doesn't matter if its diet or full strength i just can't drink it after 5pm. This has helped my sleeping at night as well and often i don't even drink 1 and have skipped 3 or 4 days at a time without 1.

The other thing i learned is that my son and i saw a zombie 5k advertised on tv. I had to tell him that i couldnt run the race and i sure couldn't run it with him in a stroller. So i set out learning to run. I finished my first 6.2 mile run yesterday with the temps in the mid teens. it took me 1:05 minutes to run it but i ran it.

I posted this in an effort to keep me accountable and to make sure that this time i actually reach my goal instead of stopping 4lbs short and putting the weight back on.
