Need Friends

kat65 Posts: 124 Member
I was on here one year ago, but my father had a massive stroke, and I was not able to stay on here. I was running back and forth taking care of him and working two jobs.

My father is now stable, and I'm back.

I'm looking for friends to provide support (and vice versa).

I'm looking for people who are supportive and who are not extremist. I believe that to lose weight and be healthy we have to watch our calories, balance what we eat and add in exercise. We cannot keep up crazy eating patterns or exercise routines. I've seen some people eat 600 calories per day on here and people who exercise 2 to 3 hours per day. I've also seen some people who are not logging in fruits and veggies and seem to be heavy on sweets.

I'm not putting blame on anyone. I have my issues to deal with. But, I'm looking to keep everything balanced and in moderation and I would like to meet people who are doing the same. When I lose this weight, I want it gone for life. I've lost and gained close to 1,000 pounds during my lifetime. I want off this crazy cycle.

At this point-in-my life, I also have diabetes. My eyesight is all messed up now and I have to have shots in them. This journey is important to me. More importantly, It is important to do it so that I never never never gain the weight back.

If this sounds like you, please add me.