The disorder next door



  • butterfly2008
    YIKKKESSSSSSSS !!! what do i do
    Your score: 28
    22 points or higher:
    You are at a high risk for being a disordered eater. This is a wake-up call and an opportunity to improve the quality of your life. You are likely harming yourself physically, by engaging in extreme behaviors such as meal skipping or laxative use, and emotionally: The intense and all-consuming spotlight you shine on your physical being robs you of time and energy to focus on other important areas of your life, including building relationships and achieving goals, and it prevents you from enjoying the simple pleasure of a meal with friends. You need to make a commitment to your health and well-being, starting with a vow to feed yourself nutritious foods at least three times a day, and to give up extreme diets and other risky habits. If this is difficult or upsetting to think about, you may be consciously or subconsciously using food and weight as a way to avoid dealing with deeper, emotional issues. In this case, consider pairing up with an expert—a therapist and/or a nutritionist—who can help you explore the causes of your behavior and ultimately develop a positive relationship with food. And consider this: Disordered eating is a risk factor for developing a formal eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia. The sooner you intervene, the more successful treatment can be. For referrals to specialists in eating issues in your area, go to the Academy
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Are you at risk for disordered eating?
    Your score: 18
    16 to 21 points:
    You are at moderate risk for becoming a disordered eater, or could even have an eating disorder. The problem is that your fixation on size and weight can rule your mood, taking you from joyful to dejected in the time it takes to step on the scale or into your jeans. It can also lead you to make not-so-rational decisions about what to feed—or withhold—from your body, so you may be low in key nutrients and tired all the time.

    Sometimes it is good to take a moment and think honestly about the conscious or unconscious decisions we make every day.
  • nicole0177
    nicole0177 Posts: 377
    I GOT A 53!!!!!:sad: thats so bad!!!