Skinny Saturday Challenge!



  • SharonsJetSet
    Thanks for the feedback. I think I will change it from light activity to active. I work no less than 5 days a week (this week its 6). While I'm only at the restaurant for 4-6 hours, I make sure that I'm always active. If there's not a lot of customers, I'll clean the foyer or windows. I'll also bus tables, set tables and basically try to keep myself busy.

    I make daily challenges for myself. Today's challenges are:

    drink 64ounces of water/cystal light
    do not go over my calorie range
    go to the gym and do a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio.

    I love this new idea of "daily" challenges. I can meet my challenges one day at a time.

  • SharonsJetSet
    So far I'm within 2 of the 3 challenges. Today I'm going to try my first spinning class which will take care of challenge #3
  • SharonsJetSet
    ok I'm way over my water. I drank 4 of my water bottles that hold 25 ounces.

    Today I did 20 minutes on the stair-climber and I took a 60 minute spin class but I recorded 45 minutes because I didn't go at full capacity. However, I never once stopped. and I just have to say my butt is KILLING me.