Recovery week of insanity no results

Im in recovery week of insanity and I've seen results in my strength but not in shredding my body fat. I don't eat the things the nutrition guide tells me too, but I do eat a 40/40/20 diet. Any ideas why I still have a monkey belly? lol


  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Looking at your photo, you don't seem to have very much weight to lose (if any.) But, it is not up to me, so if you really want to lose more weight you are just eating more than you're burning.
  • I don't want to lose weight, my goals for insanity is to lose the inches, get lean, and gain more muscle. But so far I've only seen a difference in my thighs/quads.
  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member
    Many people see more results during the second half of the program. This is how it was for me. I even upped my calories by about 300/day during the second half of the program and still lost around 5 pounds and the muscle definition really started to show. I ate right around my maintenance level but did not eat back the exercise calories. Keep with it, you'll see the results!
  • Yeah, I figured I'd see result in the second half. I wasn't going to quit the program, though I was discouraged, I figured hey I'm already half way there might as well get something out of it. But, why didn't you eat back your calories? I don't know how many I burn because I don't have a heart rate monitor, I'm hoping to get the nike fuel band se for christmas but you never know.
  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member
    I didn't eat them back because I didn't know any better. (insert sarcastic tone) I just followed the workout program, as well as pretty closely following the nutrition guide., and in the end I was very happy with my results. (I have photos in my profile if you want to check them out) I also did not have a heart rate monitor. It was so much more simple that way as well. I just ate 5 times a day with each 'meal' being 300-350 calories during the first half, and 350-400 the second half, and drinking plenty of water. Never logged a thing. I didn't know about 'eating back your exercise calories' until I started using MFP during my 2nd round of Insanity. You gotta be careful with all the stuff you can read around here, makes one over think what they are doing when it can really be so simple.
  • The question I was going to ask is what you were trying to lose exactly?? You can see your ribs and hip bones in your profile pic so there's nothing there to lose!! I have just finished off the first week of what you could call the second level and you're right enough, not a whole lot changed during that recovery week, but to be fair, they're not exactly calorie blitzing workouts, nothing compared to what you're about to face (I assume) today. I have been using a HRM, so if it helps, here is what they burn for me, they'll obviously be slightly different for each person though....

    Fit Test - 435
    Plyo Cardio Circuit - 734
    Cardio P&R - 713
    Cardio Recovery - 432
    Pure Cardio - 830
    Core Cardio & Resist (recovery week) - 570
    Max Interval Circuit - 1081
    Max Interval Plyo - 925
    Max Cardio Conditioning - 746
    Max Recovery - 495

    Best of Luck... #digdeeper :0)
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    My body bugg gives me a similar burn as yours.. a little less I think, I'm only on day 10 and I don't do it everyday, so i'm not doing it right, but i'm doing it the way that works for me. This is my second attempt, as my first ended early due to complications that I am not wanting to repeat, hence the slowed down version.

    PS.. I hate pure cardio!!

    I have not gotten to the max workouts yet.. lol
  • @Confuzzled4ev

    This is my second time around too... I got to this exact point last time around, had a few friends round to watch the football and after several beers thought it would be a good idea to show them some of the moves. Just for future reference... Beer + Power Pushups don't go... end result... one fractured tailbone.
  • Oh, I gotcha. I eat balanced meals like the stuff they recommend in the nutrition guide, but I don't strictly follow it. I do however do a 40/40/20 diet (sorry if I already mentioned these things, don't remember :P but I'm sure month 2 I'll start seeing the results I want, at least I hope I will.
  • I'm not trying to lose, I'm trying to gain lean muscle mass now. Once I finish out month 2, I was going to start strength training. I figured that would help me lower my body fat, tighten things up ya know? I'm just super impatient :P Thanks for the calorie estimate :)
  • d3ck5
    d3ck5 Posts: 47
    just thought id chime in here.

    im on my second last week of insanity.

    first half lost no weight, but a stack of inches (think size 36 pants to about a 33-34)

    second half of insanity so far ive lost 8kg with another week and a half to go. I think im on target to lose about 10kg (22lbs) for the entire workout.

    im actually thinking of redoing the second half given the better results im getting (but ill see how it goes).
  • just thought id chime in here.

    im on my second last week of insanity.

    first half lost no weight, but a stack of inches (think size 36 pants to about a 33-34)

    second half of insanity so far ive lost 8kg with another week and a half to go. I think im on target to lose about 10kg (22lbs) for the entire workout.

    im actually thinking of redoing the second half given the better results im getting (but ill see how it goes).

    Thanks for the respond! I've noticed inches lost too. I have a pretty good feeling about month 2, but I'm pretty nervous about it also. But, I'm sure I'll get through it.