Menu Creator HELP

So I want to type in foods that I really like & will actually eat & then for someone to take those foods & create a menu that will help me lose weight. Does something like this exist that is free??? I look up diet menu plans & I get baked salmon on a lettuce leaf, well I am not going to eat that or cook it, however I will eat a cheese stick & a boiled egg or a ham sandwhich or baked chicken bananas, oranges, but not things that my kids & husband wont touch....anyway I just need some help planning out my meals with the food that I already have in the house.

When I do WW or south beach or Atkins or whatever it may be I am always buying a bunch of food that no one else will eat & spending money I do not have. I am seeking a way to live life normally but get healthier & get my family healthier without them even realizing it. Any tips on how I can say I like:
green beans

etc & for a weekly menu to appear & it will still help me stay in my calorie/fat range & it is free???

AND I have 3 kids & a husband & do daycare full time in my house so time is an if I can pre plan & cook ahead I can grab it & go that would be fabulous


  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    I dont know of a specific program like you are asking about that is free...but I have saved SO much time and money since I started menu planning! I use a program called E - Mealz and it provides 7 days worth of dinners every week, it gives you all the meals and recipes and it provides a detailed shopping list for that weeks meals so you are sure to have everything you need on hand. They offer meal plans for several stores...Wal Mart, Aldi, Kroger, Publix, and an any store option. They also offer meal plans for weight watchers points system, low fat, low carb, gluten free and vegetarian.

    I know this isnt specifically what you were asking about but maybe give it a look and see if it can help you.

    ~ Liz :)
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    sometimes you can find a free 2 week trial for and just copy her menus and then cancel the program