Losing fat for those who are within normal weight range

I have lost 15-20 lbs total this year (on and off again though). I am 25 yrs old, F, 5'3'' and currently at 109 lbs and 23% BF. I generally eat healthy with some not so healthy foods thrown in.

I was told recently by my friend's brother (who is a trainer and avid body builder) to eat more than I normally do (so over 2000cal a day as oppose to my normal 1300-1500) and do this for 1-2 months straight. Then he said do this while doing very minimal cardio and strength training 3-4 days a week. After 1-2 months, go back to normal eating patterns and add cardio back in while continuing to do 3-4 days of strength training. So that is what I have been doing. Eating more than I would, strength training more and doing little cardio. I am about to start back, slowly, on my normal eating and workout routine tomorrow.

Was this good advice though? I feel like I am gaining weight eating so much and being virtually sedentary (I don't currently have a job so I am at home 24/7). Will it make a different in terms of how my body loses weight when I go back to a calorie deficit after a long period of "overeating" ? (To my standards).

I am hoping I didn't just undo a lot of the work I have done so far this year. I already know my lung functioning is going to be so effin' bad when I go running (it took me a very consistent running schedule for years to be able to run as long and as hard since I have asthma). So what do people thing? Was I given interestingly good advice? Horrible advice? Anyone do something similar and be successful? Failed? I more or less want to lose body fat now and lose the last bit of back fat, thunder thighs, arm jingle and jolly belly :)


  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    I say if it ain't broke don't fix it..but to lose those last 10..eat at a deficit (perhaps a smaller one) and lift heavy (well heavy for you!) three to four days a week and throw in a little cardio...all this calorie juggling seems a bit confusing and may make you end up gaining..plus, you have to realize that your bodybuilder friend has different goals and is probably leaning out and bulking up..I figure you want to just lose the fat and tone it up right?
  • dietstokes
    dietstokes Posts: 216 Member
    It sounds like you were given advice to do a bulk/cut cycle. Personally, I would have maintained my cardio for lung function (I also have trouble breathing). Trainers should take this info into consideration when giving advice. For those who are asthmatic, it is very important to maintain lung function. As you start back, start slowly with walk breaks and make sure you have your inhaler close by. Hydration levels really impact lung functioning (we exhale close to 4 cups of water a day) and I've been told that vitamin C 30 minute prior to exercise helps lungs as well (I think it was 1000). Hope this helps.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring all of your food?
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I think he have you very good advice. He put you on a bit of a bulk/cut routine. It's not the most desirable thing aesthetically when you are in/ending your bulk process but when you get further into your cut process you'll be amazed at what it did for you.

    Deal with some weight gain now and reap the benefits if a leaner body later. It's not the prettiest thing but very effective when you are done.