Fluctuating weight - it won't come off

My weight keeps fluctuating. I probably have been stuck at the same place since summer. In the summer I used to do lots of cardio and not eat much, so that didn't help. Then I went through a eat small amounts of junk food rather than good food phase, and now I eat extremely healthy. I don't really eat that much. I have porridge or granola for breakfast, two ham sandwiches (brown bread) for lunch, and usually just have a normal healthy meal for dinner - something with vegetables and probably meat, just simple and healthy, on the lines of that.
When I weighed last Sunday, I was 8 stone 9. It was odd, I had gone to the gym on Friday, had junk on Saturday and the weight just come off. I am now back to 8 stone 12, but it changes, not very worried because I will probably be 8 stone 11 tomorrow, or something like that. It fluctuates. I just don't know how to lose anymore weight. It wont come off, I will not give up but my gosh, how frustrating! I go to the gym once a week, it is hard because I have to revise. I just want to lose weight, but what more can I do? Is there anything I can do to help?

I exercised every night. I do 200 sit ups, 170 squats, 90 leg raises per legs, 35 stomach 'things' (no idea what they are called), and 10-13 push ups.

I also drink at least one cup of warm lemon water a day, and LOTS of water.

Thank you :)

P.s, I am around 5'3-5'5. I want to get to about 8 stone...


  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Stop doing hundreds of squats and sit ups and start lifting heavy weights. You say you are already at a healthy weight, so it is going to be incredibly tough for you to lose more while doing it the healthy way. The best thing you can do now is weight training.
  • SassyLion
    I have been doing them for ages, so just stopping makes me feel kinda sloppy. Will I gain weight if I do weight training? I think I will really consider it, it couldn't hurt to try. Also, how do I tone my stomach up? The sit ups do really help, but you would think it would help more...
  • trickduffin
    trickduffin Posts: 19 Member
    Here's some great info that should help.

  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Your weight is going to fluctuate naturally from day to day. It's important to look at the big picture and see if your weight is trending downward over time instead of focusing so much on the number on the scale.

    You say in your profile that you're already at a healthy weight, so any more weight is going to come off slowly. Like 1/2 pound a week. It might be time to really concentrate on how you want your body to look instead of what you want the number on the scale to be. A good weight lifting routine can help with that.

    Opening your diary would probably help to get you better advice.

    How many calories are you eating?
    Are you weighing/measuring your food or eyeballing your portion sizes?
    How many calories are you burning with your workouts?
    Are you eating back the extra calories earned from workouts? If so, are you using a heart rate monitor or MFP/machine estimates?
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    You're eating too many calories to lose weight. Eat fewer calories than you burn over an extended period of time, and you'll lose weight.

    Of course, in order to do that, you have to know how many calories you're eating, and how many calories you're burning. The math is simple, but you have to quantify those two variables accurately.

    Unless you get those two numbers right, and act accordingly, you're going to struggle with your weight. It doesn't matter how much you exercise, what you eat, etc., if the numbers don't add up, it's all for naught.
  • hwoeltjen
    hwoeltjen Posts: 199 Member
    Your weight is going to fluctuate naturally from day to day. It's important to look at the big picture and see if your weight is trending downward over time instead of focusing so much on the number on the scale.

    You say in your profile that you're already at a healthy weight, so any more weight is going to come off slowly. Like 1/2 pound a week. It might be time to really concentrate on how you want your body to look instead of what you want the number on the scale to be. A good weight lifting routine can help with that.

    Opening your diary would probably help to get you better advice.

    How many calories are you eating?
    Are you weighing/measuring your food or eyeballing your portion sizes?
    How many calories are you burning with your workouts?
    Are you eating back the extra calories earned from workouts? If so, are you using a heart rate monitor or MFP/machine estimates?

    Dianne said it all.
  • SassyLion
    I don't count my calories anymore. Well, I know that my breakfast is around 130 and I know my lunch will be around 380, while dinner depends - but it is healthy, vegetables and what no so I am not concerned. When I count calories, I try to go too low because I know I can, so it is best for me not to. I can be quite restive with my food, I won't eat pasta, rice, chips, wouldn't want to eat sausages, just any food like that. I feel safe with vegetables and meat, I know the calories aren't too bad and it is very beneficial. After having a bit of a junk food diet, I need to really. It did work, the junk food diet thing, it is just difficult. You are still hungry and you want junk, but you are paranoid about eating it. Eating healthy is just so much better.

    When I exercise, I burn from 600-700. That is going to the gym. No lower than 600 really, I will go on the crosser trainer till I have to go. So for about an hour, because I need time to revise.

    It is just a bit stressful, because I eat well and I work out, yet there is little to show... I suppose it will be more difficult, but it will be worth it!
    I also weight myself everyday, not sure if I included that. I know I shouldn't... but I can't help it.
  • SassyLion
    Another issue is because I went from eating not that much, I have to be careful with how much I eat, because I know too much probably will make me gain. I don't know if I should count calories again, properly, because it isn't good for me mentally. How many calories should I be taking in, while 'dieting'?

    I don't think I eat too much...
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    An easy swap would be making lettuce wraps for lunch instead of sandwiches. The bread alone is 80-90 calories a slice. Or you could make one wrap and one sandwich if you'll miss the bread. It's apparent you need to log everything for a while since you don't know how many calories you're consuming. Good luck!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I don't count my calories anymore.

    This would be the problem.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    that's quite a lot of work and it seems that your doing it for a long time, try to take a break for about 8 weeks and try to change your diet along the way. i would like to recommend to change your workout too.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    I think you need to start counting calories. Estimations can be way off sometimes.

    Also, weight training is not going to "bulk" you up, if that is your concern.
  • Lifelink
    Lifelink Posts: 193 Member
    I don't count my calories anymore.

  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member

  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I think you need to start counting calories again. You may find that you are consuming too many or more likely by what you've said, too few. If you don't eat enough for your body to function properly then your body will hold onto the fat.
    I ate around 800 cals a day for months and hit a wall. When I finally started to increase the cals up to 1400 (which was damn hard) I lost my last 10lbs and more without even trying. It can work if you've been consuming too little for an extended period.
    If you are concerned about tightening up then I would suggest you find out how much bf you have and lift weights (more muscle burns more fat) to try and lower that percentage. Try not to worry too much about the number on the scale as at this stage lowering bf will make more of a difference to your appearance.
  • alexandriax03
    alexandriax03 Posts: 289 Member
    Doesn't sound like you're eating enough. Especially when you are burning 600-700 calories through exercise. Increase calorie intake and have a snack in between breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I don't count my calories anymore. Well, I know that my breakfast is around 130 and I know my lunch will be around 380, while dinner depends - but it is healthy, vegetables and what no so I am not concerned. When I count calories, I try to go too low because I know I can, so it is best for me not to. I can be quite restive with my food, I won't eat pasta, rice, chips, wouldn't want to eat sausages, just any food like that. I feel safe with vegetables and meat, I know the calories aren't too bad and it is very beneficial. After having a bit of a junk food diet, I need to really. It did work, the junk food diet thing, it is just difficult. You are still hungry and you want junk, but you are paranoid about eating it. Eating healthy is just so much better.

    When I exercise, I burn from 600-700. That is going to the gym. No lower than 600 really, I will go on the crosser trainer till I have to go. So for about an hour, because I need time to revise.

    It is just a bit stressful, because I eat well and I work out, yet there is little to show... I suppose it will be more difficult, but it will be worth it!
    I also weight myself everyday, not sure if I included that. I know I shouldn't... but I can't help it.

    So basically you have an unhealthy relationship with food and your body image is what you're saying...
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I don't count my calories anymore.
    Well, if you don't count calories, then you are just estimating. This is often not good because our eyes tend to be a bit unrealistic at times when it comes to estimating portions.

    I doubt two ham sandwiches have 380 calories. It depends on the bread, the size of the ham, the condiments. I would guess more.

    As for burning 600-700 calories at the gym-how do you know this? Is this just your estimation? Those estimates seem a bit high to me but I could be wrong.

    At 121 pounds, I have my doubts you need to lose any weight at all. It sounds like you need to maintain.

    The way you maintain weight is to eat around the same amount of calories that you burn. First, you need to know what your BMR (basic metabolic rate) and TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), or you need to set up your goals in MFP to maintain your weight. You then need to weight all solids and measure all liquids and then log all food and log all exercise calorie estimations.

    You can figure out your TDEE here: http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/, or you can use some other similar TDEE calculator. With this method, you would not eat your exercise calories back.

    If you set you goals in MFP, you would eat your exercise calories back because you want to NET the calorie allowance.