5'5 girls goal weight?

Im 5'5, medium framed & a teen. im just wondering what other 5'5 ladies' goal weights are:)
Currently im 36-29.5-37.5
Ideal 34/35-26/27-36
Cw 137.5 Gw 115
What are yours? Good luck too (:


  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    125 pounds. I don't care to be extremely thin. 115 is pretty much at the very bottom of our healthy weight range.
  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 437 Member
    I'm built like Olive Oyl, so 115 is where I hover and where I hovered before I gained wieght. That said, I didn't get a sense of my set weight until I was 25. If you are still growing, a doctor would be the best person to ask about appropriate goal weights. Good Luck!
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    Im 5'4" & not a teen at all lol but 125gw 129cw. my measurements are what you said your ideal would be.

    I would say focus on your measurements don't fret too much over the scale. Sounds to me like you could use a bit of weight training. But yes the ^^^ please check with your doctor first
  • WeoooBeans
    WeoooBeans Posts: 85 Member
    I'm 5'4 and my goal weight is 135-130ish. My current weight is around 145.

    My measurements currently are 34-27-38...

    I do agree with focusing less on the scale number, and focusing more on measurements, and make sure you do some form of strength training :)
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I'm closer to 5'6" but my LBM when thinner than now was 115 itself, lol. So 115 is a tad low for me, I'd say :)

    Large frame
    GW: 140-150 (in there somewhere). It depends on how much muscle I end up with. It's looking like 145 at the moment.
    GMs: 39-40; 29-30; 39-40

    I was smaller than that a few years ago, but the extra loss did nothing for me but take away some good curves and boobs. I like how my waist-to-hips section looks with that curve going on, and my abs are still visible, etc at my current goal.
  • snowsquirrel
    I'm aiming for about 120.

    I was always 112 in my 20s and 30s but now I'm in my 40s, I fear that weight may make me look gaunt.
  • greenhudler
    RIght now I want to get back down to 130, but my long term goal is 120. I looked and felt great at that weight :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    goal weight for me is 150-155.
  • missdrizz
    missdrizz Posts: 17 Member
    Maybe 110 for now. Lower depending on how I feel I look at that weight.
  • la9julia
    la9julia Posts: 5 Member
    thanks for the replies.. and for telling me i need weight training..
    remeasured, measurements 35.5-28.5-37.5
    @westendcurls you're almost 10 pounds lighter than me, so it's not unusual for your measurements to be 2 inches smaller.
    "you need weight training" is another way of saying "you're flabby".

    but anyways, i don't think 115 is extremely skinny. i'm going for 115 and i'm done growing. some of your replies were really helpful, so thanks!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    5'4.5 here, my goal is about 165. And goal body fat percentage is around 24% or so. Not super scale focused though so if I get to my goal appearance at a higher weight, it won't be an issue, under 140 isn't even on the radar. Although I am pretty small framed (very small ankles, wrists), I also have a good amount of muscle mass, estimated at 125-135 currently so you can do the math. :)
  • LSJC18
    LSJC18 Posts: 48 Member
    My current weight is around 143lbs and my goal is to be 115lbs too!

    I have a smallish body frame so 115lbs would be pretty good for me. I would love to bring down my body fat percentage to at least 20% though. (:
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    Im currently 138lbs and hoping to get to 120lbs. My measurements right now are ; 36-28-36 and Id like to lose a little off my waist maybe an inch or 2 the slim down the hips/bum abit. I doubt il go lower then 120lbs as Im quite slim already to other people so dont want to take it too far
  • misscv
    Hi everyone I'm 5"5 in my 20s I was 112lb now in my 30s I'm 135lb and going insane as it's not budging!!!!! Judging by everything I read its 100% my calorie intake so can all you 5"5 people tell me how many calories you consume and how many you burn please!!! Thank you all xxx
    NEWYEARNEWME2014 Posts: 15 Member
    For me 120 lbs or in till I like my body and is happy with it.
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    My goal weight is 140. It's what I weighed at 18, and it seems like the lowest weight I could reach healthily. If I get there and still feel like I can diet I'll reassess.
  • lorim200
    lorim200 Posts: 38 Member
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    I am quite muscular, so I am going for 140lb, to start. I used to be 133lb in my teens but I was too thin, and not toned at all. I would rather weigh more and be more toned and fit,
  • malyce86
    I'm 5'4. My CW is 140 & goal weight is 128-130ish. I'm rather curvy (my mom says I have "child bearing hips") & don't want to lose them....right now I just have a bit too much of them. I'm eating 1230 cals daily & I've only gone over a couple of times. I eat more when I work out, but I don't workout regularly.

    115 seems a little small to me if you have a medium frame. Maybe between 125-120 would be better?
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    around 140 I have a medium frame I don`t think I would look good any less than 140 just my personal opinion and am 5`5 and currently 168 and a size 8/10 jeans

    daily cals= 1330 + exercise between 300-500 depending on the day and yes I eat as much of them back as I can. I`m set on sedentary but I use a fitbit ultra and it acounts for my activity (adds cals if I am active and most days I am)