How do I stop hating the gym?



  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Find a gym with a womens-only weight room.. or find a big gym that has multiple of things, so if you have what they want, they can go use the other one.

    Or take your set of weights and go into a corner somewhere.

    Also.. don't worry about the others. You got to that machine.weights.ball.whatever first. you use it until you are done, just like they would do if they had gotten to it first.

    I'm personally right there in the line of guys with my free weights and I don't give a damn if I have the weight they want or not. I'm there for the same reason they are and I'm just as entitled to my workout as they are. Funny cause with as big and strong as a lot of them are.. My workout is harder. I just assume they are in awe that a woman braves the free weight section that is primarily male and staring at me with envy of my bravery. LOL (not really i don't notice if they notice, i'm not there for dates.. although some of them seem to think I am. LOL)
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    If you like walking then why let the weather stop you? Get some therm pants and a cold weather jacket/gloves if its uncomfortable for you.

    I get an amazing rush when I'm done running in extreme cold.
    This also.. I put cold weather running gear on my Christmas list. I can't wait to get back outside and go.. Also since the time I get around to running it's dark.

    As a fellow introvert I can't stand the thought of Mr Adonis #35 watching me flailing around, attempting to use all those contraptions correctly.
    If you really feel that self conscious, then smile sweetly and ask Mr Adonis #35 if he can show you proper form. Betcha he will fall over himself to oblige. great way to help yourself not only learn proper form, but help yourself feel better now that you know he knows you're new and just learning. :~p I once asked a guy who was making me feel a little uncomfortable proper deadlift form.. 20 minutes later I had 3 different variations down pat and we had worked through 3 sets together. lol He doesn't bother me anymore. Except occasionally to say hi :) (and I did double check what he showed me with a trainer.. it was spot on lol)
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I'm an introvert, but I love the gym. I put on my headphones, turn on my favorite music on my iPhone and I'm good to go. You don't have to interact with anyone. No one really does at my gym unless they're friends who came in together to work out. The vast majority of people in the gym are focused on their workouts. They don't want to be bothered. Most aren't even going to notice you. Everyone was a newbie at one point. Even the most seasoned people at your gym. The more you go the more familiar your face will be to them and the less intimidated you'll feel.

    But if you really can't stand the gym, you can do exercise DVDs or body weight workouts at home.


    I was almost 100lbs overweight when I started going to the gym almost 2 years ago. When you're only 5'2" tall, it looks like even more! Just the sight of all the pretty, fit people was intimidating...but I kept going and something magical happened. I started looking forward to going! The last 4 days is the longest stretch I have gone without a workout in a VERY long time, and I am looking forward to my workout this morning. People ( both the gorgeous trainer, and other gym members) did start to notice me, but in a good way--the trainer noticed my dedication, random gym members will walk by me and tell me they can SEE the progress I have made in the last X months. Those muscle guys? They give me smiles and nods, and make nice comments.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    I hate the gym too so that's why I workout at the comfort of my home. It does take discipline but I do enjoy workout DVDs a lot. I have invested in some weights as well so I can do my strength training.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Thank you everyone! I do not think anyone is watching me at all, it's more of a me thing. I also have a problem thinking I'm in the way, or taking too long, or whatever lol.
    I'm going to keep trying, I want to keep trying, I just need a little motivation or encouragement once in a while :)

    I use feelings like this as a personal growth experience. Step outside my comfort zone and do something I am uncomfortable with. Because I am so flubbery, I was too shy to wear normal shorts ( mine were knee length sweat pants) most of my first year at the gym. My second year I wore normal shorts AND I got comfortable wearing yoga pants.

    I also had an issue with swim suits. My first suit was a "granny suit" with a skirt. After a year I graduated to a tankini...last month I not only showed a male friend a pic of me in a bikini ( and his eyes didn't bleed or anything) but I actually left the locker room in it!

    If you step outside your comfort zone and go to the gym on a regular basis, the staff and other gym members can end up being your biggest cheerleaders. I have a "gym family" now, and they are my cheerleaders. I absolutely adore the (super hot) trainer, and was so touched 2 weeks ago when he told me that I was kickin butt and taking names :heart: the 60ish fitness attendant calls me his "little sister". Last week I had a random lady tap me on the shoulder and tell me how great I look and that I had really changed over the last few months. That isn't even the first time that has happened to me--I have had like 6-8 different people do that to me :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Few options
    1.) Get over it
    2.) Invest in good head phones/music
    3.) work out at home
    4.) buy some winter clothes sack up and go outside

    Realize that most people don't actually care what you are doing at the gym.
    Realize if you HAVE a plan HAVE an idea of what to do- going in won't seem so daunting. Most people are super nervous about the gym because they feel like everyone is watching them because the great and powerful "everyone" knows what's going on and KNOWs some how that you don't.

    Research a program- write it down- take it with you.put your head phones on and get to work- you know- like everyone else.

    it's not that serious. And if you TRULY hate it- don't go- plenty of people work out at home. not that serious.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Thank you everyone! I do not think anyone is watching me at all, it's more of a me thing. I also have a problem thinking I'm in the way, or taking too long, or whatever lol.
    I'm going to keep trying, I want to keep trying, I just need a little motivation or encouragement once in a while :)

    Remind yourself that you have as much right to that equipment as anyone lingering around does. You paid your gym dues, too. As long as you're not hogging one machine or station for inordinately long, the lingering person can wait their turn.

    Thinking you're "in the way" isn't going to serve you well in the journey to improve your fitness. You want to feel like you are 100% worth being trained like any elite athlete. Though most of us fake it til we make it. Nothing wrong with that.

    Maybe check out audio workouts. He makes me feel like a real athlete with a personal trainer in my ear, encouraging me.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    What are your goals OP and what exactly are you hoping to achieve by going to the gym?

    There's not enough information to know if you even need to go to the gym in the first place or if your goals can be attained through other methods which you prefer and are therefore more likely to stick to over the long term.