SHORT LADIES! ~5'0" Need Inspiration, Success Stories



  • MichelleMinus100
    Hi all you wonderful short ladies! (Do you ever find that your friends are super tall? I have a friend who is 6' 8", why is that!?)

    I started my journey in Jan 2012, two years ago. I lost 12 pounds and gained it back in May 2012 and have been more interested in establishing good habits than burning fat, so I don't have much to show as far as weight loss goes. Over the past two years, I've conquered my previous sugar addiction, exercise daily now, drink 80oz water every day, avoid refined sugars, eat a salad (aka-vegetables!) every day and now I feel like I have a foundation to work on burning off the fat! So hopefully, a future success story.

    I'm in my mid-40s, 5' 0" and weigh about 230lbs. I joined a few days ago because I know I want to reduce my intake and tracking with the food diary is a good tool for me.

    I am so morbidly obese that it has been challenging to find movement I can do without hurting myself. I started two years ago with just walking to my mailbox. Within a year, I was walking over a mile and a half a day.

    I'm excited to stay connected with this thread and see what all you short ladies do!
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    Hey All! I'm also 5 foot (and a half an inch! haha! always gotta add that extra half inch!). I'll admit, I've been naïve up until recently, growing-up I never had to worry with being a dancer and cheerleader. I was 112 lbs when I graduated high school eating McDonald's 2 cheeseburgers and 2 apple pies all the time! My mom said it would catch-up to me but I always laughed. College and afterwards was always a struggle for me, I've always been on a diet roller-coaster (which my doctors always warn me about how bad that is for my heart...). At my heaviest, I was 150 lbs in 2010 and went on Jenny Craig and got down to 120 in 6 months! I looked awesome! But like the stress-eater I am and a busy schedule, I put it all on after a year... Just this last year, my life has changed in soooo many ways, and I knew I was gaining weight and not looking so great, but I thought I was probably still at 150ish weight.

    Well my best friend is getting married in May and I'm a bridesmaid. We went to try dresses and everyone was fitting into size 8 dresses (they are taller than me, but definitely tiny things), while I ended-up buying a size 12... I decided that enough is enough, plus summer is around the corner, and my boyfriend (who is quite built) decided he wants to get healthier. I needed to start something! So I downloaded MFP once again beginning of February and typed in 150 lbs since I didn't own a scale (have never bought one! I said I was naïve...). I finally bought one couple weeks ago, and realized with a HUGE SHOCK that I was actually weighing-in at 158. I wanted to cry...

    So I'm trying to keep myself to a 1200 calorie daily diet and add in exercise as well. My hope is to not look so bulky/flabby in my dress in May and possibly get into a cute bikini this summer, living in Chicago near the beach, that would be amazing! It's just been so tough on the weekends, my boyfriend and I are big into eating the Chicago eats and drinking craft beer! It's not helping me at all... One week, I noticed I lost 2 lbs but gained all back over the weekend and had to work the next week to take off what I gained on the weekend. So basically I just keep standing still because of what I am doing on the weekends. Its so hard since I still want to have fun and enjoy myself with my boyfriend and friends... But I gotta get better if I have any hopes of reaching my goals of May and summer....
  • Serena272
    Serena272 Posts: 53 Member
  • tautailgate
    tautailgate Posts: 26 Member
    Hello- I am 5' tall and weight about 173 right now. I used to be closer to 290...then I went down to 161 where I stayed for about 2 years. Lately though I have had trouble. I did try weight watchers for awhile, and I had managed to lose 8 pounds, but I gained it back. I am hoping to start off by getting to about 150 and then making another goal from there. Does anyone have any advice?
  • msflynnbly
    msflynnbly Posts: 46 Member
    Hi im five foot and weigh 155lbs, eek, my heaviest :( Been on and off this for amwhile now but just cant seem to find the motivation! Anyway todaynis a new day and I am going to try and take heed. Ive run 3 mile intervals this morning, had porridge with honey and a coffee!! Good luck all you shortladies xxx