
Swoopette Posts: 118 Member
I am going to try this and see if goal setting will work for me. Just wondering do you set your goals at 5 pounds or 10 pounds? Need some goal ideas. I have a few: start tanning again, pedicure, acrylic nails. (getting my hair done doesn't count cause I do that every 6 weeks) I also have to lose about 30 pounds before I buy something new. So anyone give me goal ideas.


  • charliex2202
    charliex2202 Posts: 4,281 Member
    I have personally set my goals at 25 lb markers, i feel that by breaking it down into this amount it doesn't sound as daunting as 50lb 100lb etc....

    My rewards for acheiving the weight loss will be things that will involve doing an activity with my kids, theme park, bike rides, nails done etc...just my personal preference to remind me of why i am doing this in the 1st place

    good luck
  • Danimri84
    Danimri84 Posts: 262 Member
    I set mine in 10 pound increments. I'm an instant gratification sort of gal so I have to keep myself motivated and feeling like I'm making progress.

    Some of my rewards, other than what you have mentioned, have been: a new movie, massage, jewelry and new shoes.