Hi Everyone

Trineka here. I'm new here, and just very grateful such an awesome program is available to me, complete with an awesome community. I've been using My Fitness Pal approximately one week now and I'm already down around 5 lbs. I'm so excited about this! I know the scale is moving in the right direction and I know I will achieve my fitness goals now that I actually have some accountability and an idea of how many calories the foods and portions I'm consuming contain.

I guess what I could use encouragement on is patience. I want to lose my weight right now. I don't want to wait to lose one pound per week. I want to lose like 20 pounds per week. lol.

Well looking forward to making some friends here, and encouraging while being encouraged.

ttyal : )


  • hi, i am also new and want to motivate myself for weight loss i hope it will help me.
  • Hey, I'm 15 Female trying to lose 30 pounds of fat and gain 5-10 pounds of muscle. Let's be buddies and motivate each other to lose weight! What do you say?