Alycyn1980 Posts: 62 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I am in my 3rd week and I have lost 8lbs so far which I know is great but I am losing motivation in exercising :frown: I am up through the week for work at 530am and do not get back in till 5pm. I have been trying to exercise when I get in but then I am not having dinner till about 7pm and you are not supposed to eat after 5-6 at night or I am making dinner when I get in but then not being able to exercise till about 8 and by them I am just wanting to curl up and relax. I like to try and be in bed for 10pm :yawn: I am sure there are other people in the same situation and I am just wanting to hear some other folks ideas and stories on how they keep themselves motivated.

Thanks :smile:


  • I know how hard it is to stay motovated! chin up my darling...................your not alone
  • kristybenner
    kristybenner Posts: 29 Member
    I am the QUEEN of Losing Motivation!!!

    Dont hate yourself for what you cant do. just do the best you can. So your supposed to eat before 6 and if you cant you cant. Giving up exercising would be more devistating to your overall goal then eating an hour later.

    8 pounds in 3 weeks is awesome! what an achivement! thats almost half way to 20!

    Dont give up! :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I think we all go through phases where we just want to give up, give in and take the "easy" road. I just went through a phase like that early last week. So frustrated, almost ready to give up. However, I surround myself with other motivated people, who hold me accountable, I have great support from family, friends and online friends. I even set up a group on Facebook to help keep me motivated, and funny enough, called it Motivation. It has helped, because I know I have all these people who are looking at me as an example, and I really hope that by keeping myself going, I can continue to inspire others. There are so many positive, helpful, encouraging people here on MFP and on the Facebook group, that it's easy to post a "Help!" and have several people respond with encouraging words, tips, ideas, etc.

    Please feel free to send me a friend request on here, so we can help keep one another encouraged and accountable, and if you're interested and on Facebook, feel free to also join Motivation. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=268180696780&ref=ts

    Best wishes on your continued fitness journey!

    ~ Chandra
  • Aamilah
    Aamilah Posts: 62 Member
    Have you ever tried exercising on your days off from work?
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    I would say relax a little. Give your self some credit for what you have done, and try not to stress about it. I eat dinner after 5 or 6 every night and I've hit my goal and readjusted a few times now.

    Also- find some exercise to do that you love. There is something out there. For me it's running. I can't do it right now and it's literally like I've lost my best friend. Some days it is hard to get up pull on the clothes and shoes and get out there, but even on those days once I get there I know I'll love every minute of it. There's something out there for you- walking, biking, swiming, yoga, Tai Chi, something, just search until you find it. That will help alot with the motivation.


    You are doing great, don't stop now!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    can you work out on your lunch breaks at work? I sometimes take half hour to do some cardio if i know i wont get out later that day and take the 2nd half to eat my lunch. half hour of cardio is better then nothing that day :)
  • I completely understand, I started my diet & exercise June 30 and have done great BUT this week has been horrible. Just try to stay focused. I am here if you need me there are people who understand...
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