Needing some motivation

disneybuff323 Posts: 21
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I am just not wanting to get up and go to the local YMCA today. I don't do well working out outside, and I always feel better after I go to the Y, but today I'm just not wanting to. Any one have anything that might motivate me on days like this?


  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    just tell yourself you'll just do the warm up and if you really feel like you can't continue, then go home. But once you get the warm up done, trust me, the guilt of leaving so soon will overpower the will to leave.

    if that doesn't help, then JUST FREAKING DO IT.
  • 29bubbles
    29bubbles Posts: 126 Member
    Need new music? Sometimes I get bord and don't want to go... if I get new music on my ipod I don't let myself listen to it unless I"m at the gym. If I'm really bored... I try to get on a machine with a TV at the Y. :) Then the time goes fast and I feel better.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    i don't know. money always gets me motivated. put a dollar in a jar every time you go to the Y. use the cash to buy yourself something.

    or make a bet with a friend. everyday you don't go, (or on your scheduled days) pay them a dollar. if you hate parting with money like i do, that's motivation enough. :)
  • or make a bet with a friend. everyday you don't go, (or on your scheduled days) pay them a dollar. if you hate parting with money like i do, that's motivation enough. :)

    Heh, great idea!

    Maybe you need to change it up a bit? Go do something different? Variety being the spice of life and all....
    It doesn't matter what you do as long as you're moving!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Even on days I really don't feel like working out, I remind myself how much better I feel once I start & how much better I'll look once I'm finished :happy: I made myself a promise in December when I started this journey and I'll be damned if I'm going to break a promise, especially to myself! I promise that every work-day, I'll wake up extra early & do at least 45-50 mins of a good workout (even when my back, neck or knee is out, I have Tai-Chi so I can still workout and stretch :tongue: ). On days that I don't work, if I need to go somewhere/run errands, I'll do my 45-50 minute minimum workout first, if I can workout longer I do :happy: and then I get ready for whatever. Basically, I work out a minimum of 5 days a week, it's usually 6 days though and on the 7th I rest... no, actually on the 7th I'm cleaning house & doing laundry so that's a workout in itself :tongue:
    The money idea is a good one, although I don't ever have cash, so once a month I take myself out & buy myself something that looks really good on my new-found figure :smile:
    Don't give up, if I say I'll just get to it tomorrow, guess what, tomorrow never comes since once you get there, there is another tomorrow after that! As Nike says, Just Do It!
  • mocosa74
    mocosa74 Posts: 42
    sometimes the only prob is getting I agree with previous reply.....just say you are going to warm up...then you may not want to stop!!
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