How swimming will help ?

I am trying to lose around 18 lbs.. I have targate date as 7th March 2014 as it's my birthday :)

I generally work 9am to 7pm for 2 weeks a month and 2pm to 12 pm for another two weeks a month.

I don't get time to excerisize in general shift. But when I go to work @ 2pm I go to swimming in morning for an hour.

I just want to know what else I can do ? How much this 15 days a month swimming will help me ? or do I need to increase my excerize program so to reach my goal and targate date ?

Plesae help me. also add me as a friend as I'm new to MFP.


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Weight loss is about diet, not exercise. Focus on eating properly and you should have problem hitting your goal.