Reasons why women should lift????



  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    My mom isn't going to STOP me from lifting, no matter what she says. There's no worry there. But, I really would like for her to understand WHY I do it, and how accomplished it makes me feel. Especially since I had to leave my main hobby for several different reasons, and this is my new hobby. If I ever went to a powerlifting competition, I'd want her to understand what was going on so that she could be there and support me. She doesn't need to necessarily agree, but I would love for her to get to the point where she's really happy for me and able to cheer me on.

    IDK, I guess deep down most everyone wants their parent's approval.

    So, what you're asking is for her to become enthusiastic, happy, and interested in your weight lifting. But she doesn't have to agree with it to make you happy?

    I think someone is fooling themselves.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I get what you're saying here, but my Momma is in her 60's and has NO CLUE how to use technology even though she has worked with computers her whole life. So while telling her to just Google it would get her no where, if she could have it in her hand and read it, she would absorb it. Plus... the older generation (at least the ones I know around here) have VERY little faith in anything they read on the internet. But you give them a pamphlet or a book and that stuff is getting read.

    OP, I hope you're able to find some good links and good info and maybe even some books or pamphlets to help in your quest. My Mom was nervous at first but then realized... I'm very, VERY rarely helpless. And that is when it clicked for her. I've been away from lifting for quite some time, but I am still stronger than a lot of women and I don't mind one bit. Explain to her how you feel confident, strong, and like you aren't helpless and give her the info. Some 'old dogs' can be taught new things. :smile: GOOD LUCK!

    so teach her how to google. my dad is the most computer illiterate person I know- i ttakes him 30 minutes to type a one page letter because he hunts and pecks and has to hunt for EVERY function- short keys? no way.... but guess what- even he knows how to google.

    I know plenty of older people who use phones and the internet. They aren't dead. Just old. Like you said some 'ole dogs can be taught new tricks'
    so teach them how to research on their own and let them come to their own conclusions.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    Because it's fun. If you enjoy it, why not?
  • KerryITD
    KerryITD Posts: 94 Member
    I loved the book Strong Women Stay Young by Dr. Miriam Nelson. She's all about lifting slowly and to your maximum and it's written in a very engaging way. It's not power lifting, but the turnarounds some of the senior women in the book experienced is amazing and empowering.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I understand if you want her to take an interest because you're concerned for her own health, not needing her approval for your lifestyle.

    And I don't think she's going to 'just google it' no matter how much google training you show her, not if she's not interested in it, and she isn't.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    so teach her how to google. my dad is the most computer illiterate person I know- i ttakes him 30 minutes to type a one page letter because he hunts and pecks and has to hunt for EVERY function- short keys? no way.... but guess what- even he knows how to google.

    I know plenty of older people who use phones and the internet. They aren't dead. Just old. Like you said some 'ole dogs can be taught new tricks'
    so teach them how to research on their own and let them come to their own conclusions.

    I know a number of people who make your dad look like Bill Gates, and even worse - refuse to learn. Just like anything else - a person has to be open to learning something new in order to be taught. And they may be open to learning about something like the virtues of lifting for women, while being very much closed to learning how to use "the Google."
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Reading the introductory parts of New Rules of Lifting for Women has convinced most women I have ever met.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    I know a number of people who make your dad look like Bill Gates, and even worse - refuse to learn. Just like anything else - a person has to be open to learning something new in order to be taught. And they may be open to learning about something like the virtues of lifting for women, while being very much closed to learning how to use "the Google."

    which was essentially my initial comment to OP anyway.

    But in all honesty If someone can't be bothered to learn how to research on their own- I'm not even going to waste my time trying to explain something like lifting to them. What a waste of time that would be. I can't be bothered with people like that- at all- I have no patience for people who are stagnant. At this point learning how to google is as important as knowing what the dewy decimal system is.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    At this point learning how to google is as important as knowing what the dewy decimal system is.

    More like 1000x more important lol.
  • Urban_Princess
    Urban_Princess Posts: 219 Member
    the real question is "why should women NOT lift???" and there would be no answers because that's ridiculous
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member

    I know a number of people who make your dad look like Bill Gates, and even worse - refuse to learn. Just like anything else - a person has to be open to learning something new in order to be taught. And they may be open to learning about something like the virtues of lifting for women, while being very much closed to learning how to use "the Google."

    which was essentially my initial comment to OP anyway.

    But in all honesty If someone can't be bothered to learn how to research on their own- I'm not even going to waste my time trying to explain something like lifting to them. What a waste of time that would be. I can't be bothered with people like that- at all- I have no patience for people who are stagnant. At this point learning how to google is as important as knowing what the dewy decimal system is.

    Just to give you an idea -- my parents live out in the country. Ironically, on a retired farm. They don't own but one old *kitten* cell phone that doesn't even get reception at their home. AND, they don't even own a computer. Yup, you read that right. LOL So, while I get what you're saying and it should apply to most, the reality is that a LOT of older folks don't use the computer the same way we do. They just don't. They didn't grow up getting a large amount of info from there so that even if they had access, they wouldn't believe it unless they could get it in hard print. I see that for you explaining or finding the info wouldn't work and would be a waste, but if it is important to OP to not only get her Mom's support but to even encourage her to try it for herself, then why not give it a go? If it doesn't work then, so be it. No skin off of her teeth and no weight on her conscience because she tried. I'm not sure how old your dad is or where he grew up, but this is pretty much the norm for a lot of older folks -- especially in more rural areas where technology just isn't part of their mainstream.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    my husband recently had severe back pain (as in so bad only narcotic painkillers had any effect) followed by emergency surgery on his back.

    he's a lot better since the surgery, but he's not allowed to lift anything heavy for a month (at least)

    carrying in all the shopping (1st floor (USA 2nd floor) flat (apartment) with no lift (elevator)), carrying and putting the cannisters on the water cooler (19 litre ones) and all the other heavy tasks around the house...... no problem, because they're all really light compared to how much I can squat and deadlift.

    seriously, you can't rely on men to do all the heavy lifting in the house all your life....
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    I know a number of people who make your dad look like Bill Gates, and even worse - refuse to learn. Just like anything else - a person has to be open to learning something new in order to be taught. And they may be open to learning about something like the virtues of lifting for women, while being very much closed to learning how to use "the Google."

    which was essentially my initial comment to OP anyway.

    But in all honesty If someone can't be bothered to learn how to research on their own- I'm not even going to waste my time trying to explain something like lifting to them. What a waste of time that would be. I can't be bothered with people like that- at all- I have no patience for people who are stagnant. At this point learning how to google is as important as knowing what the dewy decimal system is.

    Just to give you an idea -- my parents live out in the country. Ironically, on a retired farm. They don't own but one old *kitten* cell phone that doesn't even get reception at their home. AND, they don't even own a computer. Yup, you read that right. LOL So, while I get what you're saying and it should apply to most, the reality is that a LOT of older folks don't use the computer the same way we do. They just don't. They didn't grow up getting a large amount of info from there so that even if they had access, they wouldn't believe it unless they could get it in hard print. I see that for you explaining or finding the info wouldn't work and would be a waste, but if it is important to OP to not only get her Mom's support but to even encourage her to try it for herself, then why not give it a go? If it doesn't work then, so be it. No skin off of her teeth and no weight on her conscience because she tried. I'm not sure how old your dad is or where he grew up, but this is pretty much the norm for a lot of older folks -- especially in more rural areas where technology just isn't part of their mainstream.

    30 miles from anywhere- like where they dump dead bodies and have meth labs. I grew up on a horse ranch.

    My mom is STILL on dial up. Trust me- I get it. I know what geo-cities and earthlink are. My dad now lives in South Dakota- I don't even know if he has real electricity LMAO- he has some sort of note pad to do research.

    And I agree that some explaining is nice- and I'm willing to indulge that- but I want to say- on the original post her mom was making

    oh here
    This still isn't enough to convince my mom though! I've told her how lifting is good for osteoporosis prevention, etc...nope, still not good. She continues to think that a "woman isn't meant to lift like a man".

    Does anyone have some good links to scientific literature that details why a woman should lift heavy? I'm really tired of her telling me my uterus is going to plop out on the floor if I lift a barbell!

    seriously- anyone who still thinks like this? really? go. go and google it yourself. I can't be bothered- we live in 2013. There is only so much you can "help" someone- they gotta deal with it and catch up or shut up. They need to figure it out on there own- seriously- her doctor told her it was fine. I don't have patience for people who are stuck in the past because that's the only way it was done.
    seriously, you can't rely on men to do all the heavy lifting in the house all your life....

    god help OP's mom if her husband isn't around to do the trash for her.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Tell her you're an adult and don't need her permission so she can either get on board or deal with it however she needs to. Then, introduce her to the magic of Google.

    Yeah, this.

    Sorry, but I am not trying to convince my mom of anything at this point in my life. I am almost 40 years old and she is 70. I am going to do what I do and that's it. My mom is very closed minded about computers. I try to explain she could see her grands more often via the magic of Skype! She insists she will not pay for this. Despite the fact I have told her 1000 times it is free. I give up.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    "She continues to think that a "woman isn't meant to lift like a man". "

    Why does it have to be "lift like a man"? Are you trying to convince a woman age 70 to start with heavy barbells at a gym? Or are you wanting her blessing to do so yourself?

    If you just have her health at heart, she can do a lot without a barbell or even dumbbells and she'd probably be a helluva lot more willing to consider it. Let her "lift like a woman" (as she sees it). It'll help her. And if she's not interested, let it go.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member

    I know a number of people who make your dad look like Bill Gates, and even worse - refuse to learn. Just like anything else - a person has to be open to learning something new in order to be taught. And they may be open to learning about something like the virtues of lifting for women, while being very much closed to learning how to use "the Google."

    which was essentially my initial comment to OP anyway.

    But in all honesty If someone can't be bothered to learn how to research on their own- I'm not even going to waste my time trying to explain something like lifting to them. What a waste of time that would be. I can't be bothered with people like that- at all- I have no patience for people who are stagnant. At this point learning how to google is as important as knowing what the dewy decimal system is.

    Just to give you an idea -- my parents live out in the country. Ironically, on a retired farm. They don't own but one old *kitten* cell phone that doesn't even get reception at their home. AND, they don't even own a computer. Yup, you read that right. LOL So, while I get what you're saying and it should apply to most, the reality is that a LOT of older folks don't use the computer the same way we do. They just don't. They didn't grow up getting a large amount of info from there so that even if they had access, they wouldn't believe it unless they could get it in hard print. I see that for you explaining or finding the info wouldn't work and would be a waste, but if it is important to OP to not only get her Mom's support but to even encourage her to try it for herself, then why not give it a go? If it doesn't work then, so be it. No skin off of her teeth and no weight on her conscience because she tried. I'm not sure how old your dad is or where he grew up, but this is pretty much the norm for a lot of older folks -- especially in more rural areas where technology just isn't part of their mainstream.

    30 miles from anywhere- like where they dump dead bodies and have meth labs. I grew up on a horse ranch.

    My mom is STILL on dial up. Trust me- I get it. I know what geo-cities and earthlink are. My dad now lives in South Dakota- I don't even know if he has real electricity LMAO- he has some sort of note pad to do research.

    And I agree that some explaining is nice- and I'm willing to indulge that- but I want to say- on the original post her mom was making

    oh here
    This still isn't enough to convince my mom though! I've told her how lifting is good for osteoporosis prevention, etc...nope, still not good. She continues to think that a "woman isn't meant to lift like a man".

    Does anyone have some good links to scientific literature that details why a woman should lift heavy? I'm really tired of her telling me my uterus is going to plop out on the floor if I lift a barbell!

    seriously- anyone who still thinks like this? really? go. go and google it yourself. I can't be bothered- we live in 2013. There is only so much you can "help" someone- they gotta deal with it and catch up or shut up. They need to figure it out on there own- seriously- her doctor told her it was fine. I don't have patience for people who are stuck in the past because that's the only way it was done.
    seriously, you can't rely on men to do all the heavy lifting in the house all your life....

    god help OP's mom if her husband isn't around to do the trash for her.

    Then stop wasting YOUR time in this thread. I've had enough of the thinly veiled insults about my mother. If I choose to take the time to talk to her (because CLEARLY, I'm a HORRIBLE daughter for doing so!), it doesn't affect you in any way. I asked for some good links to literature that MY OWN GOOGLE SEARCH didn't turn up, so that I could have a discussion with my mom. And for goodness' sake, if everyone googled everything, this forum wouldn't be here except for the rate me threads.
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    I don't have any articles but I would google some things ...
    I would just keep doing it and not talk about it. Whe she starts to see the results and how great you look she will start asking questions and want to know what you've been doing!

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    Then stop wasting YOUR time in this thread. I've had enough of the thinly veiled insults about my mother. If I choose to take the time to talk to her (because CLEARLY, I'm a HORRIBLE daughter for doing so!), it doesn't affect you in any way. I asked for some good links to literature that MY OWN GOOGLE SEARCH didn't turn up, so that I could have a discussion with my mom. And for goodness' sake, if everyone googled everything, this forum wouldn't be here except for the rate me threads.

    I'm stuck at work doing nothing with hefty fire walls that block a great deal of sites.
    I'll waste my time however I wish... that being said- she's your mom- if you chose to waste your time talking to her about something she clearly doesn't get- so be it- but you don't have to. I didn't say don't talk to her- I said don't bother trying to convince her of something she cant' be bothered with. seriously.

    and if more people DID google stuff it would make life a lot easier.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Yep, as a few people have said, osteoporosis is the main reason for older women.

