Doing it for myself!

So, I've been a member of MFP for quite a while but have never really put in any real effort to keep a track of what i'm eating, or of how much I do/don't exercise!

However, I've recently met the man of my dreams and to be quite frank about it, this has made me realise I need to change my attitude towards food and exercise!

I will openly admit i'm an emotional eater, whether i'm feeling down, excited, happy, stressed, I have always turned to food!
I also won't deny that I genuinely enjoy food, cooking and eating it!

I'm hoping that with some real effort i'll be able to do what I should have done along time ago, get my eating habits under control and lose the extra weight I'm carrying around!!

Start weight: 199 lbs
Goal weight: 160 lbs


  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    So, I've been a member of MFP for quite a while but have never really put in any real effort to keep a track of what i'm eating, or of how much I do/don't exercise!

    However, I've recently met the man of my dreams and to be quite frank about it, this has made me realise I need to change my attitude towards food and exercise!

    I will openly admit i'm an emotional eater, whether i'm feeling down, excited, happy, stressed, I have always turned to food!
    I also won't deny that I genuinely enjoy food, cooking and eating it!

    I'm hoping that with some real effort i'll be able to do what I should have done along time ago, get my eating habits under control and lose the extra weight I'm carrying around!!

    Congratulations on meeting Mr. Right. That's quite an accomplishment within itself. Very few of us meet the partner of our DREAMS! WIth regard to your fitness goals, you can do whatever you honestly and firmly set your mind to do! Once you make a DECISION to do it, then it all falls into place. Your decision will require a sacrifice or two, and then a COMMITMENT to the decision. But I promise you, if you stick to your commitment, you WILL be rewarded. And if you are an emotional eater, all you need to do is change the foods you turn to. Keep the healthy stuff around instead of the unhealthy twinkies. I used to KILL, I mean MURDER, a pack of Golden Oreos if I got stressed out. I'd DEMOLISH the WHOLE PACKAGE in one sitting. I still find the desire to snack when I get stressed, but now I eat fruit or something of that nature. BUt you;ll find that once you start putting your health first, that your mind and emotions will be more at ease. I LOVE IT!!

    Are you ready to get it started? Let's DO IT!!

    Start weight: 199 lbs
    Goal weight: 160 lbs
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Sounds like you are in the right mindset! Good luck