How much or cardio to lose Body Fat %

I have been jumping on the treadmill for 20 min Before I start lifting weight and after I am done lifting I jump on the Bike for 20min at level 5 heart rate around 185 been doing this for about a month and do not see wieght going down or notice my bodyfat going down when I input the measurements. How long Does it take to see a1% go down and how much more cardio do i need?


  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Here's how it all works:

    Diet = Lose/Maintain/Gain Fat and Muscle Weight
    Cardio = Most time efficient way to burn calories, great for cardiovascular health and endurance
    Heavy Lifting = Great way to burn calories too, necessary for muscle maintenance/gain & strength

    Just evaluate each one and figure out what you need to do. If you're already at a low bf%, I hear you have to work harder to get it lower. Not 100% sure why, or for that matter how to break through it and get further down, but this happens at around 8% or less I think.