Anyone jog/run intervals regularly?



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i have two types of running- slow running, and slow running up hill.

    i don't like doing speed work.... and only doing speed work is kinda boring and unnecessary, IMHO. long steady pace is a great run work out, and is included in most training plans.

    hills are speed work in disguise. they force you to lean forward and pump your arms, and adjust your stride in a sprinter kind of way.

    if i do a speed work out, it's usually a short route, about two miles, that is long and flat.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    I do these all the time. For me it helps break up the monotony of running long plus it's more fun.

    Same here.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    I do it too. I just did 6.6 miles this last Saturday and ran 2 and walked 1. It works great for me and is easier on the body.
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member

    I started the C25K program about 6 weeks ago and I liked it, but I started getting too into my head about having to run the entire 5K continuously. Because I started with C25K I can now run 2 miles on the treadmill and I'm building up, but I don't enjoy it. After I'm done, I think "well, that was fun"...but when I'm doing it I'm hating it. I just keep thinking "when is this song going to end??? THIS is why they are always throwing up on The Biggest Loser!" "I'm gonna throw up" "Seriously...I still have 2 songs to go???"

    Well, that just described me perfectly! I despise cardio, but want more than anything to be a runner (figure that one out) - I want to love it, I really want to love running, but I don't. But I'm keeping at it. I'm doing intervals on the treadmill, but not set time, just run until I don't feel like running anymore, than walk until I feel recouped enough to run some more. It seems to be working, and I think I will eventually get to the point I love it. I'm at least getting to the point that I miss the gym when I don't go, so that's progress.
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    I started intervals today, and will do them 2 days out of every 10. Currently, I am working on 200 meter top speed sprint, followed by a 200 meter walk, or slow jog; all repeated 8 times. The session is preceded by an easy 1 mile run and stretching, and followed by an easy 1 mile run and stretching.

    The interim goal is to get to 400 meter sprint/cool-down x 12.

    Final goal is 800 meters sprint/cool-down x 12

    I have a long way to go! No pun intended.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    OP- your definition of "intervals" is misunderstood. What you're talking about is a "run/walk" - a true interval run is a controlled, redline effort followed by a period of rest, then repeat.

    Anyway, no. If I'm paying for a race, I'll be damned if I'm going to walk one inch of it unless I get shot or fall in a hole. I want to feel like I left my guts on the course, and never sell myself short.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I don't unless i need to. I try to run the whole race, and only job or walk if I need a break.
  • julie_emma1
    I generally do run/walk intervals on my Sunday long runs (I do run 10 min, walk 1 min) and I find it helps with endurance and pacing as I lengthen that long run. However, in my shorter runs during the week and especially in actual races, I run continuously.

    Congrats on the 6 miles by the way! You're going to be hooked :wink:
  • brendarun
    i do all my intervals on a treadmill and have a love/hate relationship with my pyramids session. on the road i just run how i feel but i always mix up my training by going on the hills trails where i live
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    I started something similar that way last year and started peeling of the pounds I was attempting to lose and managed to finish my first ever 10k in 54:15 and had only been back at running for 8 months, so it's definitely do able. I've never done it during a race or when I run outside; however, I've been considering the same thing. I'll definitely start trying it. Btw my friend calls these tempo runs. My training on the treadmill that I utilize is walk 2 mins at 4.3mph, run at 7-7.3mph for 2-3 minutes, sprint at 9mph, and return to 7mph for 2minutes, and do the whole thing all over again.

    On races I tend to run a comfortable pace right around 8-9 min/mile, but I stay consistent until I kick it at the end for the last quarter mile.
  • skinny4me2be
    skinny4me2be Posts: 358 Member
    So glad to have found this topic. I'm doing the C210K training and was just getting so bored with running for 45-50 minutes. Glad to hear people do this during a race too! I feel like I've built up my endurance, but I think I would love to do the change up from time to time to work on my distance. I'm glad to hear people consider this 'running' too--stupid I know!!! In my mind if I don't run the 30minutes straight-I'm not really running-but I guess that's viewed differently and I can change my mind on this thinking now! Whoo hoo! :-)