Getting a big discouraged but won't give up!

I have been a gluten-free diet (for the most part) for the past 6 weeks and have been exercising very frequent but the weight is barely budging. I won't give up but I have to tell you - it is somewhat discouraging.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Keep on the good fight everyone!!!! :)


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Are you restricting calories, or did you just cut out gluten? Because giving up gluten will not help you lose weight. A lot of the gluten free substitutes are high calorie.
  • hwoeltjen
    hwoeltjen Posts: 199 Member
    How much weight are you losing per week on average? Are you actually counting your calories and measuring your food?

    What does your exercise routine look like?

    Not sure if you posted for advice or just to vent. Either way, I figured I would ask a few questions.
  • julieannezen
    julieannezen Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks so much guys! I appreciate all advice and anything you have to offer. I have been about the same weight for the past 7 years (however I have gone through two pregnancies and gained 80 lbs with each pregnancy). I had major weight loss surgery last year and they had to repeat it this year due to complications I had.

    In regards to gluten-free I figured that it would be helpful for my Fibromyalgia. I mostly eat lots of protein now with no wheat products however I still have about 10% of it because I am still learning. I am on 1200 calories a day but realize I am more of a 1400-1500 gal because it always ends up that high.

    I work out 2x a week for strength-training/aerobics and then work out other days in the week, even if just for 20 minutes or so. I am stuck in this plateau for a reason and I just have to figure out why.

    Thanks for your comments. I appreciate it.
  • hwoeltjen
    hwoeltjen Posts: 199 Member
    Are you actually measuring your food or just estimating the calorie content?
  • jluyt
    jluyt Posts: 7
    We are not going to have you give up... just yet :-)

    For your workout, take a full week and do just cardio. Then a week of just strength. Evaluate then which of the 2 are getting you where you want to be. Do you want to drop fat or weight? Personally i am focused on fatloss and soing at least 40 min cardia and 20 min strength every day. 5 or 6 times a week.

    Run your reports on mfp. Look at days you went down significantly and see what correlates to those days. Did you have low sugar days or perhaps you net cals were in a range. Read the data. It helps me.
  • michelleagrela
    michelleagrela Posts: 4 Member
    I feel that we get stuck on the number on the scale. There are so many other ways to measure success. Are your clothes fitting different? Are you losing inches? Are you finding that you have better stamina?

    I continue to work REALLY hard to not focus on the number on the scale or the size of my clothes. Some days I am better at this than others. But really start to think about how you are feeling. Know that if you are moving, you are doing a great thing for your heart. Your heart is getting healthy. Plateaus happen. Also make sure you are not eating the same stuff every day. I found I got in a rut because I was eating the same foods everyday because I knew the calories, etc and it just became easy. Although boring! Vary your foods too!

    The scale will move just hang in there Julie!!!
  • ablot63
    ablot63 Posts: 71 Member
    This may sound strange but a good cheat meal usually gets me past temporary plateaus. I usually have one or two days a week where I eat whatever the heck I want, and then the day after, I stick to lean protein and veggies only. That usually does the trick.