Week 3 - Changes

msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
So here it is, I've made it three weeks. Last week I put up a note just to talk about the changes I've noticed since I started working to get fit, and I'm probobly going to continue so long as I keep noticing them. Here they are, in no particular order:

-My endurance has started to go up. I can now sprint lightly (~100-150 meters) in airsoft matches without getting winded immediately
-I am having to think less and less about eating healthy foods. I'm still eating healthy, but where I used to snack on unhealthy things I'm picking out celery and carrot sticks - all on autopilot.
-I'm still getting more energy.
-My belt has gotten a notch smaller, and I'm noticing all of my pants seem to be fitting a little bit looser.
-I'm getting an increased interest in exercising daily, I think it may have to do with the higher energy level. If I don't do some exercise I feel like I'm slacking
-My skin has gotten a lot clearer. The psoriasis on my hands is clearing up - this may just be cooincidental though.
-I've joined the 'no scale' challenge and won't be weighing in until may 17th. Its harder than I thought because I can feel changes and I love having gauges.

As always, best of luck everyone!


  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    So here it is, I've made it three weeks. Last week I put up a note just to talk about the changes I've noticed since I started working to get fit, and I'm probobly going to continue so long as I keep noticing them. Here they are, in no particular order:

    -My endurance has started to go up. I can now sprint lightly (~100-150 meters) in airsoft matches without getting winded immediately
    -I am having to think less and less about eating healthy foods. I'm still eating healthy, but where I used to snack on unhealthy things I'm picking out celery and carrot sticks - all on autopilot.
    -I'm still getting more energy.
    -My belt has gotten a notch smaller, and I'm noticing all of my pants seem to be fitting a little bit looser.
    -I'm getting an increased interest in exercising daily, I think it may have to do with the higher energy level. If I don't do some exercise I feel like I'm slacking
    -My skin has gotten a lot clearer. The psoriasis on my hands is clearing up - this may just be cooincidental though.
    -I've joined the 'no scale' challenge and won't be weighing in until may 17th. Its harder than I thought because I can feel changes and I love having gauges.

    As always, best of luck everyone!
  • snakeskin
    snakeskin Posts: 21
    thank you so much for your note as that is such a motivation piece to read other successes! good job!

    you clarified something that I noticed a few years ago myself - my psoriasis clears up when I lose weight too! wow - what's up with that?!? I can tell when I gain past a certain point, that the itch becomes unbearably chronic.

    I just finished my first week, and i can notice change physically, mentally, and emotionally. THAT is a billion bucks in itself.

    Best of luck to you, and all out there!