Need a little schedule help

Thought I had it under control but recent changes have tossed me out of whack and I Really need some advice on fixing it. I need 36hr days or a clone (or both) at this point it feels like. I haven't worked out since Friday (feel like CRAP) and right now I'm just so tired I wish I had called out of work but we need the money. Long story, married with 4 kids and we help care for my parents who are in assisted living. My husband follows the same evening schedule I do with the exception that his work schedule is a typical M-F 9-6 schedule but longer commute so 8-6:30 depending on traffic.

I Need to find more time for sleep in my schedule that allows me to be up by the time the kids are coming off the bus and I also Need to schedule in a 1hr block (minimum) 6 days a week to allow for a Tapout workout time. I *Think* I need to adjust my workouts to a Tuesday rest day but at this point I feel so backwards I need more eyes on this!

My day (Sun - Thurs) starts at 0130 for work. I am off at 10am so work day is over by 1030, except Tuesdays, when I have an 11am staff meeting that runs usually 1hr. So Tues I am in the clear by 12:30 latest. I have more time Friday/Saturday since that is my weekend.

The rest of my day, I have until 2:30/2:45 until my kids start getting home from school. The rest of the fixed times we have things are:

Monday = currently 5 - 8:30pm. as of 12/16 it will be changing to a 7-8pm slot so we'll be home by 8:30 latest.
Tuesday = 3p - 7p (home by 7:30)
Wednesday = 6:30 - 8p (leaving at 6, home by 830)
Thursday - 5:15 - 7:15 (leaving 4:45, home by 7:45/8p)
Friday - possibly 1-2 hr slot 3p-4p/5p

So generally speaking, I get to sleep about 9pm most nights at the earliest. I am up by 130 and at work with enough time before shift starts at 2 luckily thanks to a short commute.

I've been so beat that I missed a workout on Thanksgiving and only got in half (30mins / 52) of my yoga workout last Friday. Ended up napping Saturday and going to sleep mid-day again Sunday and with a 20hr marathon day yesterday I didn't work out at all. I think being on the go 20 hrs yesterday before 4 hours sleep and restarting all over today is messing with me.

If anyone has any ideas? HELP! I can't move appointments more then they've already been, and, I can't change my work hours.


  • agcarden1
    agcarden1 Posts: 35 Member
    Wow, you've got quite the schedule!! While I was going through Grad school and working and doing internships, I was away from home for 14-16 hrs each day, and then weekends were spent helping my husband with wedding photography and church activities. What helped me get through was to have a weekly planner where I blocked out each activity of the day, so at a glance I could see when my next "break" was. (Here's an example: - this isn't mine but gives you an idea of what I'm talking about) Go ahead and schedule your workouts onto the calendar and let your family know that you are unavailable during that time. Treat it like another appointment for work- because it is an appointment with yourself!

    Look for anything that can be "multitasked". If you don't have time in a day for your typical workout, take the kids with you to the park to go running. If you get a break at work, squeeze in a few minutes of activity (run up and down the stairs for example). It seems to me like working out is a priority for you and that you dont feel good when you dont work out. Instead of 1 hour at a time, maybe it would be okay to do 45 minutes at a time.

    I hope this helps! Good luck with working it all out!
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    Thank you so much! I have to really do that and schedule in "me time" while I'm at it. I might have to just do as much as I can on my dvd of the day, whichever that is since they're different lengths. even if it's shoot for 30 mins and stretch for 10 after and that's it. and not the whole session. So I'm doing something
  • Sphyk1
    Sphyk1 Posts: 85 Member
    When my five kids were little the only way I could get in workouts was to do a half hour walk or DVD at the beginning of the day, then a half an hour of weights at the end of the day. It ended up working very well. Hope you find a way to get sleep in there too!
  • narwhalpr
    narwhalpr Posts: 65 Member
    There's this workout DVDs: Focust T25 that are only 25 minutes a day workout. Beachbody programs are really good, you can check it out:

    There's people around here doing them, maybe you can ask questions too.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    May have to see if I can swing another DVD set in the near future. This week and next are going to be pretty bad so I'm doing what I can when I can. So the shorter 25 min would afford me the shot to finish a workout and not have the guilt at only getting in half if I couldn't finish a longer session due to time. Hate living like that but that's how the cards fell right now and I have to keep at it. Ended up with an early night so sad as it is to say this.... I am going to bed at 8pm on a Tuesday. It buys me an extra hour of sleep and I REALLY need it.